Just for the record, those two events mentioned above are totally unrelated.
Bogus Bill had first hand information on the second event.
Hair trigger decision.
Lol the journos are jumping up from their coke and blowjobs to get out in front of this problem. We should have a Voxplainer by Happy Hour.
You mean the Vince Foster that was found dead
in a park with carpet fibers all over his
body ???
Although he was left-handed the gun was found (still) in his right hand, but his glasses were several feet away.
This is why no reasonable prosecutor went after Hillary; only a suicidal one would.
At least when asked for comment, Hillary’s blue pantsuit was unstained.
Bill Clinton’s a rapist!
Well, to be fair, Sessions was evil and rotten to the core:
“Sessions was accused of improperly using an FBI plane to visit his family as well as reportedly installing a security fence around his home on the government’s dime. A Justice Department report found that Sessions had avoided paying taxes on the use of his FBI limousine for his daily commute.”
And look what JANET EFFING RENO had to say:
“I have concluded that the director has exhibited a serious deficiency in judgment involving matters contained in the report and that he does not command the respect and confidence needed to lead the bureau and the law enforcement community in addressing the many issues facing law enforcement today,”
Just for the record, those two events mentioned above are totally unrelated.
Bogus Bill had first hand information on the second event.
Hair trigger decision.
Lol the journos are jumping up from their coke and blowjobs to get out in front of this problem. We should have a Voxplainer by Happy Hour.
You mean the Vince Foster that was found dead
in a park with carpet fibers all over his
body ???
Although he was left-handed the gun was found (still) in his right hand, but his glasses were several feet away.
This is why no reasonable prosecutor went after Hillary; only a suicidal one would.
At least when asked for comment, Hillary’s blue pantsuit was unstained.
Bill Clinton’s a rapist!
Well, to be fair, Sessions was evil and rotten to the core:
“Sessions was accused of improperly using an FBI plane to visit his family as well as reportedly installing a security fence around his home on the government’s dime. A Justice Department report found that Sessions had avoided paying taxes on the use of his FBI limousine for his daily commute.”
And look what JANET EFFING RENO had to say:
“I have concluded that the director has exhibited a serious deficiency in judgment involving matters contained in the report and that he does not command the respect and confidence needed to lead the bureau and the law enforcement community in addressing the many issues facing law enforcement today,”
CALL ME when Civil War II begins, please.
Well, it’s not the same cuz … uh … cuz … well, Bill’s a SOCIALIST!
See? See?
Bill’s a socialist and President Trump is evil!
See how that works?
izlamo delenda est …
Whoa, where did you find that info at? I thought we
killed them?
Vince who?