Putin crosses yet another line – IOTW Report

Putin crosses yet another line

SeriouslyObama is SERIOUSLY  running low on red chalk.


10 Comments on Putin crosses yet another line

  1. Putin is only a threat to his immediate neighbors, not to the United States (well, the left sees him as one because he’s not pro-homosexual, so, therefore, he’s the most evil man on the planet). Russia has no territorial designs on the US, but CHINA does! Perhaps if Skippy the Wonder Homo would quit fellating Iran and bowing to Arab kings for a minute, he might see that. Hell, I’d be happy if we had someone in the White House who actually cared about American interests…might be nice for a change!

  2. A new cold war is coming and with 17 trillion in debt, how will we be able to reactivate something like the Strategic Air Command to ensure the peace? The answer is that we couldn’t. Be very afraid!

  3. Don’t worry – he’ll throw a big celebrity party at the white house and bash conservatives.

    We also have Viet Nam champion and exalted warrior hero John Kerry doing stuff. I’m sure Putin pisses his pants every time Kerry speaks forth his wisdom.

    It’ll all work out by next weekend and we can get back to celebrating homosexuality and threatening Christians.

  4. @Hambone – Bingo!

    Reagan bankrupted the Rooskies with our military build-up. They couldn’t keep up.

    Pooty is about to say “turn-about is fair play. Game on!”

  5. Disloyal Subject, you silly twit, THE greatest president in the whole entire history of the United States of America didn’t draw those red lines. The international community did, or Bush did, or some white racist conservative did, or…anybody but him, did.

  6. I love it when a plan comes together!

    Everybody just keep looking over there …

    not over here.

    I told him I’d have more flexibility after the elections.

  7. Putin’s homophobia gets ignored because Democrats and liberals are enthralled by his masculine anti-Americanism.

    They can look beyond the gaybashing as long as he gives us what they perceive to be our comeuppance.

    To hear them tell it, we have Putin right where we want him – isolated from the world community’s cool kid table. And if he keeps up these unhelpful shenanigans, we won’t let him sing at the UN Talent Show.

    That’ll teach him a lesson.

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