A study says it works.

Also cleaning the roof gutters. It’s just like going on a cruise.

ht/ JC Lady


  1. My wife absolutely cleans house to reduce stress or anxietyor whatever type of crazy it is that women get! But then she’s extremely OCD when it comes to the house being not just clean, but “neat and organized”. When we were first married I would come home before her sometimes, and I would move a picture or knick-knack or something by just a couple of degerees just to see if she’d notice… Never failed!

  2. How can housework possibly relieve stress? Housework IS stress, all on its own.

    I hate all forms of housecleaning. But I love to cook, and am neutral on laundry.

  3. Actually when I get angry I clean, which may, now that I think about it, go a long way toward explaining why I cleaned my mother’s house all through childhood. My brother used to drop globs of jam on the counter (while making a sandwich) and leave it there just to make me insane, the bastard. And she used to take his side!!! I was the littlest and the cleanest, and still am.

    Nowadays I’m still freakish about a clean house but recall a friend’s prediction when my son was tiny: “Your standards will fall.” LOL, my lad is 12 now and I am somewhat more relaxed about messiness, more so if I can’t see it. Still, I get all itchy and stuff if I know there’s dust or stuff isn’t put away. Racist, you’d probably have a field day with poor me 😛

    Also the washing up thing, it really is relaxing.

  4. cleaning the gutters gives me the peace of mind in knowing they won’t plug up and overflow and send water into my basement.

    afterward, i sit back satisfied and suck down a twelve pack.

    work is hard. beer is food.

  5. When there’s no one else to do the dishes and you don’t own a dishwasher, you haven’t much choice. When I do the dishes, I use the experience as a distraction as well as as a steppingstone for the day’s events. Except when I break a glass. Then I want to die.

  6. When dishwashers were mass marketed in the 1950s, the manufacturers could not understand why they didn’t sell better. They had been trying to market them as a way to free housewives from the drudgery of doing dishes, but women didn’t see it that way. A study was done and they found out that housewives liked doing the dishes as a stress reliever after a long day. It surprised not only the manufacturers but the marketing folks as well.

    So they changed marketing strategy. They were sold as a way to sanitize the dishes because the water was much hotter than any human could endure. In other words, dishwashers were better for your health. And they are. Or they were.

    Now the gov’t has intruded and come up with EnergyStar which is another way to say useless piece of socialist environmentalist shit. You have to use a rinse aid to get the lukewarm water to sheet off of the dishes. Doesn’t work. The water is no longer hot, it is just warm. Heating it would take too much energy (not really) and the “answer” is to use the dishwasher to make steam which pulls the moisture out of the unit and “heats” it to “sanitize” the dishes. They don’t work. Our LG dishwasher is about 5 years old and a piece of garbage. The steam unit blows water droplets all over the floor so you slip every time you walk by after running it. And the dishes are always wet now after running the unit.

    The best dishwashers were the ones that had a heating coil to heat the dishes. This rids them of moisture and sanitizes the dishes. Thanks to the enviro-nazis, now they’re wet and not as sanitary.

  7. I am utterly Pavlovian as regards cleaning. As soon as the phone rings and I say “hello”, I’m off! I can get more done in a single, 15 min. phone call than four hours of checklist cleaning.

    Washing dishes? Yeah, I must have washed them at some point — between laughing with my friend about the latest political news and exchanging a recipe for Swiss steak. If I want my time-consuming gas stove top clean all I have to do is pick up the phone and call a friend. So weird, but so effective. I don’t remember cleaning.

  8. “…individuals who wash the dishes mindfully by taking in the soap’s scent and sensing the water temperatures drank lots of beer experienced increased feelings of inspiration and decreased nervousness…”.

  9. Our work days can be really complicated…I know mine are. Washing the dishes simplifies things, a rote menial task with the satisfaction of immediate result and total completion at the time. It may be quite literally the ONLY thing that I see the final result of all damn day.

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