As Corporations Endorse LGBT and Abortion, Wendy’s Chooses to Promote Adoption – IOTW Report

As Corporations Endorse LGBT and Abortion, Wendy’s Chooses to Promote Adoption

Big League Politics: As “woke capitalism” becomes more prevalent and social justice dogma bleeds over into the corporate marketplace, one multinational – the restaurant giant Wendy’s – is bucking the trend and promoting life.

Wendy’s and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, named after the late founder of the fast food chain, are standing up to better the lives of children in the foster care system.

While liberals complain about conservatives not caring about children once they are born, a program created by the Foundation, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, finds homes for children who are older, part of a group of siblings, or have developmental disabilities.

This organization improves the lives of the downtrodden, children who would be aborted if leftist groups like Planned Parenthood had their way.  more here

19 Comments on As Corporations Endorse LGBT and Abortion, Wendy’s Chooses to Promote Adoption

  1. This seems like a good place to post a reminder; a quote I saved several years ago from I can’t remember where. It’s kind of long but well worth being aware of since we’re still plagued by it.

    – – –

    The Hegelian dialectic, attributed to the philosopher Hegel, is made up of three parts: THESIS, ANTITHESIS, and SYNTHESIS. It typically works by gathering a diverse group of people who meet under the direction of a skilled facilitator/moderator/teacher/group leader/change agent. The facilitator subtly employs group dynamics (peer pressure) during a “dialogue” about some contentious or controversial issue. The process will always appear honest, open and free, but the goal is predetermined: the group must reject THESIS and reach SYNTHESIS (i.e., consensus).

    The only way this can happen is by subordinating all individuals to the group. This subordination is done by means of ANTITHESIS, where peer pressure gradually persuades unaligned individuals to discard their personal beliefs or values (THESIS) in exchange for acceptance by the group. To reach consensus/synthesis, participants MUST reject any beliefs the group deems offensive, disrespectful or wrong. This is ostensibly done for the sake of unity and truth, but takes place on an ever-evolving “common ground” where an unaligned individual is swayed to discard more and more of what he believes as false because the group agrees that it’s false.

    Example: if an issue from the word of God is dialogued between believers and unbelievers – as opposed to its being legitimately debated – and consensus is reached, invariably some degree of the integrity of God’s word will have been compromised. If a believer is not susceptible to antithesis, he leaves or is rejected by the group. If he is susceptible, he usually remains silent at first (i.e., self-editing) because his fear of rejection – the fear of man – overrides his fear of God. Susceptible believers will be increasingly conditioned to accept and even celebrate their surrender because it bought them a new identity as a confirmed member of the group.

    Then the cycle continues: the newly found consensus/synthesis becomes the starting point for the next meeting and the process repeats. The incremental and continual “innovation,” “growth” or “change” continues, requiring even more compromise until there is no belief or viewpoint held by any individual that is not approved by the group. At this point, the process is complete. There are no longer individuals, there is only the group. There is no longer what the individual believes; there is only what the group agrees to believe.

    Naturally, this process must blur God’s dividing lines between truth and error, between good and evil, between righteousness and sin. But the fear of rejection by the group is the lever that prevents a susceptible individual from standing firm for the truth of the word of God. The end result of his weakness is a gradual paradigm shift in how he processes factual information, including the word of God, as it has been subordinated to the group’s way of thinking. In time, he is assimilated into the group.

    By this insidious process, individuals and ultimately entire societies can be, and have been, manipulated and fundamentally altered. Few victims will ever be aware of what happened, much less how it happened.

  2. Wendys is actually doing something good for kids, not just spouting Liberal platitudes! Why any corporation would pull the pin and play catch with SJW LGBTQRSTUV live grenades is completely beyond my comprehension! Shut up and focus on yer product!

  3. Wendy’s and Chick-fil-A are two of the fast food places that I frequent the most. I usually get a baked potato and chili along with a small chocolate frosty when I have time to stop for lunch. And I just wish the nearest Chick-fil-A was closer than Kalispell, Mt.

  4. @grool –

    Are you familiar with Dean Gotcher of I discovered him years ago on a Christian radio program and ordered some material on CD. It was fascinating. This sounds like something on the level from him. The subject can be very deep, seemingly “academic” and dry, but it is vital to understanding what is happening in the world. One must be rooted in the Word of God to fully understand the battle we are in.


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