GP: Joe Biden on Tuesday received an operational briefing and delivered remarks on extreme weather at the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency in DC. more
GP: Joe Biden on Tuesday received an operational briefing and delivered remarks on extreme weather at the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency in DC. more
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Man has only been dealing with natural Climate change for…whut 4 million years?
Notice that they no longer use the term Man Made climate change anymore! They have brain-washed the next generation that natural climate change is dangerous!
It’s summer and they suddenly discovered heat.
This winter they will rediscover cold.
It plays on a loop.
We finally beat Medicare, now we’ll beat the weather.
I am eternally amazed at the sheer arrogance of anyone remotely thinking that man can control / alter the natural patterns of the climate. Of course liberals / Democrats and those who promote the idea of “climate change” or what ever the buzz words of the day happen to be have an ulterior motive / agenda in mind – POWER and CONTROL. Unfortunately, many non-thinking followers actually believe their lies.
They’re gonna beat this county to death with all the Trillions these Communist MoFoz are looting from OUR treasury and they stay awake at night dreaming up ever new hoaxes to gaslight the people with in order to “justify” it! Socialism is just a code-word for outright ROBBERY which is the real reason Socialism ALWAYS fails!
Biden policies to protect workers from heat will mandate the availability of water which means that in a year water will be $5 a bottle and in short supply. Rest periods will begin at 15 minutes four times per day and in a year to 6 hours per day with hefty fines and criminal charges. Greening will result in Southwest without air conditioning or electricity which will kill an estimated 70,000 workers trapped in buildings per month. Brown outs or failures will affect workers at home but no one will know how many have had heat stroke. Cold winters will be without heaters that work but statistics will show that the Biden work safety has been a success. Access to private electric (ie Generator) will be forbidden and protestors will surround your house. Suffering from heat will be better than living through Democrat actions to save you through controls.
“Later this summer my administration will convene the first-ever White House summer on extreme heat…”
Hey pedojoepeters46 when you said White House Summer….
did you mean….White House Summit….?
Yeah….no dementia….
He whined it’s 114 in Phoenix. My sister has lived there for years. It gets that hot there every summer.
People need to pay attention. So far, things have started out very normal.
Remember all of the recent sunspot activity? That causes bad weather, hot in the summer and cold in the winter. We will have a lot of hurricanes as well. There is your climate change. Humans and cows have little to no effect on weather and there is nothing we can do to change it.
It’s summer Jake, for crying out loud what else is new. In 3 to 4 short months, we’ll all be bitching about cold weather again. There is nothing new under the sun. If the left wasn’t always griping about something they’d be even more miserable than they are now. The are not grateful for anything ever.
Never fear, Hunter’s here, he’s got it under control with Jiminy Jill’s help and good drugs…
And once again the Babylon Bee nails it with today’s headline, Liberal in private jet upset as he looks down and sees all the cows causing climate change.
These people are so freaking retarded. It’s summer it gets hot, it has always been hot in the summer. You work in the heat and start getting too hot, you find shade and drink liquids, it’s pretty simple. So simple we used to do it with no a/c and box fans blowing hot air.
Anybody want to try to convince me CO2 is a cause of climate change and not a result of naturally occurring climate change?
Didn’t think so.
Thank you BIG Government and Communists who pierced the wall of Knowledge and directed us stupid citizens that summer gets hot. Thank you Lord for giving us smart Government Leaders to inform us why we are sweating and drinking more water in July.
We are anxiously awaiting an announcement for the August Government directive.
FJB and BIG Government
@CT Ginger: it’s science. You know, sciency science with lots of graphs and maybe some glass jars or something.
There, I trust you’re convinced now. Give my money.
Dementia Joe is such an evil tool. He may not be able to properly read or process what he’s parroting from a teleprompter, but he’s all in on the idea of creating a crisis where ther is none.
Nothing is excluded from the Socialist/Communist government “democracy” collective, one-size-fits -all, grifting, lockdown overreach…not even the weather.
I love global warming! Heck it was 70 and a bit chilly when I took my morning walk….
Well, if in fact old pedo Joe got eighty one million votes there’s that many genuinely STUPID people in the country…. Wonder what the actual count of PEOPLE who voted for the senile pederast was?
…prediction brought to you by the same guy who threatened us with “A Winter of Severe Illness and Death”
…Im unvaxxxed.
And Im still here.
But I know many vaxxxed who are not.
…regard their “climate science” as you would their “covid science”.
As a murderous destructive lie designed only to bring power and wealth to themselves and death to the “surplus population”.
And remember that you and I -ARE- the “surplus population”…