American Troops Must be Deployed to Ukraine or Russia Won’t be Deterred, Insists Zelensky: Report – IOTW Report

American Troops Must be Deployed to Ukraine or Russia Won’t be Deterred, Insists Zelensky: Report

Breitbart- Intensifying talk in European capitals about sending peacekeepers to Ukraine’s front lines is welcome but it won’t work without American boots on the ground, President Volodymyr Zelensky says at the Davos World Economic Forum meeting.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has been at Davos this week drumming up support, but also attempting to ingratiate himself with President Donald Trump by acting as a conduit for America First messaging to European leaders. Nevertheless, Bloomberg reports the Ukrainian “bristled” at the suggestion the United States wouldn’t put boots on the ground in Ukraine to deter further Russian aggression. more here

34 Comments on American Troops Must be Deployed to Ukraine or Russia Won’t be Deterred, Insists Zelensky: Report

  1. When your only tool is a hammer…
    Obiously the Director of UkrReich Laudromat has limited abilities. Trump has a bigger stick and doesn’t play the piano with it!

  2. The US has no dog in that fight.
    The Ukraine war is a massive scam – the money-laundering plutocratic arms-dealers of Russia were supplanted by the money-laundering plutocratic arms-dealers of Ukraine and neither are happy. The spook agencies are pumping money in by the $Billions and setting up Wuhan-type labs around Ukraine. The Russians don’t like it.

    When elephants fight it’s the grass that suffers.
    (Ethiopian adage)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Who is flying this little green goblin to Davos? Even those globohomos must be tired of him and his “drumming” by now. And given his piano technique, I can only imagine what he’s beating that drum with.

  4. Some of us have learned not to finance endless wars, with money or lives. Stop trying to sell it, and learn when to get out with some of your skin left, while you can. tic tic tic goes the clock.

  5. Russian troops, U.S. troops, Russian troops, U.S. troops…

    If I had to pick one and only one to “deter” for the benefit of the whole damned world, I’d pick U.S. troops to deter. Russia had been pretty frugal in its foreign adventurism, not so much the U.S.

  6. Isn’t he supposed to be fighting a war? He seems to have an awful lot of free time on his hands. And as exposed as he appears to be, the Russians don’t seem to be in any particular hurry to take him out. It’s almost as if the story he’s peddling isn’t actually the truth.

  7. The Russians know how to deal with Nazis like you, Z.

    And I have no problem with them demostrating that on you.

    Too much blood and treasure you have already extorted from us since the CIA installed you.

    Not one more penny or one more cartridge do you deserve, and you certainly wont be getting out sons.

    You have fucked around, Nazi Z.

    It’s time for you to find out.

  8. The money laundering operation in Ukraine actually has been going on since the Maidan Revolution in 2014, in which the U.S. et al. instigated the popularly-elected pro-Russia president.

    Since then, it has been U.S., U.K., the west. and the holdover Nazis in western Ukraine continually poking Russia and terrorizing the ethnic Russian people in eastern Ukraine. That’s in addition to secret nasty pharma labs and other corruption.

    Much of the money that has been sent since the war has been in the form of loans from, inter alia, the likes of BlackRock and usual suspects who consequently now own vast portions of Ukraine’s land.

    It would be preferable if Russia had it ALL. At a minimum, give Russia everything east of the Dnieper (that’s what the people there want), forbid the entry of the rest of Ukraine into NATO (which the U.S. needs to exit anyway for multifarious reasons), and let the remaining Ukraine hold an actual free election.

  9. Ok. Let’s send them troops culled solely from US civilians with Ukrainian flags on their social media bio. Oh, and the tranny service members. Send those faggots to the front line.

  10. If “they” succeed in depopulating…..
    Ukraine…..(which seems likely)…..
    what group will move in and…..
    take over the country…..????

    Could it be a preplanned refuge……????

    BTW…..the US needs to get out…..
    and stay out of the Ukrainian war.

  11. ^^^^^^
    Exactly. Further more The U.S. and Russia make two awesome allies. Our two intelligencie agencies use to share a lot of 411 that saved a shit load of innocent lives. Name a country that we have more in common with. The UK? Hell no. Canada? Not right now. I could continue down the list.

  12. I never stopped drinking Smirnov. I still listen to Tchaikovsky.

    If you prefer Zelensky play piano for you, it’s OK by me.

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