Political Insider:
With under one month to go before the November midterm election, Americans appear beyond ready to tell the Biden administration what they think about open borders and the illegal immigration crisis.
A new Issues & Insights (I&I)/TIPP poll shows that a majority of Americans want the border wall, and they don’t think Democrats are the right folks to actually secure the border.
Voters were asked, “Do you support or oppose building a wall along the border with Mexico?” Of those polled, 57% said they would like to see a wall, and 33% were opposed.
Drilling down a little bit, 39% strongly support the wall, while 20% strongly oppose.
Clearly, the Biden administration is not listening to the American people.
Interestingly, and perhaps confusingly for politicos, the matter of which party would do a better job of securing the border is less certain.
Overall, the GOP gets the nod here, 43% – 34%, which isn’t a blowout. But when you look at Independent voters, they believe the GOP would do a better job than the Democrats by a margin of 38% – 16%. For some reason, 46% of Independents are unsure who would do a better job. more
Since the wall was cancelled without reason all those who had contracts related to the wall were paid. So now we get to pay for the wall a second time. FJB
The Democrats have been lying about the border since the 1980’s. We’ll secure the border after a ‘one time amnesty’ they said. Nope.
Good luck voting in a government that takes care of American’s better than global interests. Elected officials take care of American’s last or further back than that. Keep voting for them, they need more tax dollars to burn elsewhere.
Jane seems like an intelligent, and well informed person. And nice too. I’ll bet she has opened her house to plenty of illegal immigrants that need a place to stay.
I think Jane has penis envy
Jane’s Barbie Pouch continually stinks and itches. She gets a little cranky. Her low IQ prevents her from achieving much in life. That’s why she come here to make friends. She’s lonely.
Jane, are you in favor of the wall being built? Are you mad at Trump because he wasn’t successful in overcoming the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS in Congress? Or are you mad about mean tweets? If it’s Trump Derangement Syndrome you’re suffering from there probably is not much help you will get from the iOTW crowd. If it’s just a matter of not being well informed I’m sure there is plenty of help here for you.
57% said they would like to see a wall, and of that 57% almost all would also like it to be electrified.
I already ate Obama’s shit, Jane, and I’m still alive. Now, it’s your turn to eat more of Trump’s shit during which you’ll probably just ______ (three letter word starting with “d” – give it a shot. You can do it!).
Get ready for 4 more, swallow up & tastes great too!^^^^
I think Liberal Larry transitioned into Jane.
Americans, who are fed up, will paddle across frozen rivers, to waste a federal holiday, butchering those that deign call them “enemy”.
This faggotry must continue. Muh investments demand it!
Still drunk fnut?