Newser- Will Ferrell, the former Saturday Night Live stars’ gambling comedy burned down. The House opened with just $9 million, one of the worst openings of Ferrell’s career.

Your career has changed as well. All in just 100 days.
Newser- Will Ferrell, the former Saturday Night Live stars’ gambling comedy burned down. The House opened with just $9 million, one of the worst openings of Ferrell’s career.
Your career has changed as well. All in just 100 days.
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Who ever thought this asshat was funny?
Will who?
Nothing this guy ever did was funny or entertaining.
Will Farrell and Ricky Bobby share the same IQ…
Oh, come on. It wasn’t all bad. Farrell could be funny at times. It’s just a shame he makes the same mistake as so many other actors do – thinking people give a shit about their political opinions.
Two dumass’s in the same bag: Steve Carell and Will Farrell. I’ve never thought either was funny or worthy of what has been handed them.
Now the Gable Guy – he’s just funny I don’t care who you are.
Calling him a B Movie actor is an insult to B Movies.
I never thought he was funny.
He’s done some funny shit.
The funniest is probably him pretending to understand political philosophy.
He’s made a career out of being a buffoon – he should stick to that (and lay off the dope).
izlamo delenda est …
I can think of few things less funny than the Will Ferrell cheerleader skits on Saturday Night Live. Stupid and boring do not make for good comedy.
And, from his movie previews I have seen, he hasn’t produced anything I consider funny throughout his career.
It’s just finally caught up to him.
How many GUYS did this poofter kiss in this movie??
Was he ever funny besides ELF?
I’m a liberal. Where would I be without people from Hollywood telling me how to vote and think?
Never funny on SNL. Never funny in films.
The bumbling buffoon act (young Chevy Chase) is a one-trick shtick. Ferrell can’t do it. Neither can Carell. Boring.
But Lorne Michaels/SNL knows the formula for moron idiocracy amusement. Ferrell. Adam Sandler. Lesley Jones.
The vaunted (though aging) actors and comics of Hollywood are successful spokesmen for the Left’s politicians because young(er), unread, people: 1) confuse the words profound and profane, 2) confuse box office popularity with truth, and 3) can’t name their state senators or house reps. IOW: If their fav actors and comics told them to smear mayonnaise on their face to get rid of cold sores, they would. And if it didn’t work, they’d blame the brand of mayonnaise.
NY senate candidate in 3..2..1…..
Exactly, CC. He’ll be NY’s Al Franken.
The guy has extended a few skits full of chuckles and smirks into a full-fledged career.
He’s living on fumes, and by the looks of it, his audience is sick of being disappointed.
Not even 15 year olds trying to feel-up their date are dropping cash for 1.5 hours of semi-rejection.
To AbigailAdams–don’t forget that today’s millenials also confuse celebrity with notoriety (which is how Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, and so many others gain “celebrity” status).
Not even Hollywood accounting will save this turkey. A lot of careers took a serious hit. Farrell is a one character pony with no range as a comic actor or a dramatic actor. With luck after this tax loss writeoff the powers that be will no longer just let him do what he wants and he’ll have to audition for any part he gets. The problem is that with a lot of time on his hands he’ll turn into another Chevy Chase.
This guy is in the same category as ‘Dallas’ and ‘The Sopranos’. 5 minutes watching was 5 minutes wasted.
He is about as funny as diarrhea in a movie theater.
This shitstain has NEVER been funny. Not once, not even by accident.
Ferrel, he’s like Miles Davis, don’t get him either.
I like the Marx Brothers, not the Three Stooges.
Ferrell is not funny. Can’t stand his movies or skits on SNL.
Obtusely the kids living in their Mother’s basement haven’t been able to steal enough change from their Mom’s purse to buy a movie ticket.
RottyLover wins the thread with the creative use of the word ‘shitstain’ in reference to the loathsome POS Ferrel…
Actually Super Patriot wins with; Not even 15 year olds trying to feel-up their date are dropping cash for 1.5 hours of semi-rejection.
The Three Stooges were absolute masters at their craft. Moe Howard was a wonderful person. He tried to help Larry and Curley to manage their lives better. I’ll take the any day of the week over Will Feral. Same with Laurel and Hardy. Talent counts.