The 50501 Movement—or 50 states, 50 protests, one day—is garnering support throughout social media over its plan to stage demonstrations across the nation to “fight Fascism” on February 5. More
The 50501 Movement—or 50 states, 50 protests, one day—is garnering support throughout social media over its plan to stage demonstrations across the nation to “fight Fascism” on February 5. More
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face first i hope.
Locked and loaded.
Good Luck FOOLS!
Joey Shitpants ain’t in charge anymore…
ru bitches faster than Pb?
I’m so bored with these clowns. They’re just trying to use up the rest of their USAID blood money, I guess.
A sure sign that we really are winning. no longer goes to the White after being so for the last 4 years. That stopped in the middle of the inauguration speech.
Everyday I read the news and celebrate.
Another win.
Antifa is the democrats riot army, most likely funded by USaid.
Anyone know where you can rent one of these?
Asking for a friend.
Bring it, bitches.
(Un)Fortunately, I’m out in the ‘burbs.
This would be a good event to answer that age old question, “Which is more satisfying, the CRACK of ash, or the PING of aluminum?”
antifa-gs, show up any time
“Antifa Is Supposed to Hit the Streets in All 50 States Today”
Hopefully from a height, without a parachute or an airbag.
The most efficient way for antifa to eliminate fascism would be for all of them to kill each other.
Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight
WEDNESDAY, 5 FEBRUARY 2025, 9:59 AT 9:59 AM
I’m old school, so I’ll go with the crack of ash!
block traffic @ your own risk, *******
Dadgummit, I don’t have my “antifa catcher” installed on my SUV yet…
The local Antifa freaks known locally as the peace and justice action league in the Spokane area will probably not be out in even a small group today due to 2 to 4 inches of new snow on the ground. The peace and justice action league has been a small bunch of local left-wing nut jobs (there has never been any more than maybe 50 or a little more of these annoying pests) for at least the past 30 or more years and a bunch of former hippies who are still pretending that it’s still the late 60’s and early 70’s.
Antifa is irrelevant everywhere except Seattle and Portland. It’s no universally thought to be longer cute, smart or funny to be a lockstep Democrat even on most college campuses. By simply telling it like it is and refusing to concede good intentions to Democrats and the Republican establishment the bastards MAGA is what is selling. The word I’m getting from young guys is that it’s get on the Trump Train or get left behind. Winning is contagious
They won’t come to our state, they’re scared of being flattened. Yes, we legally can run them over if they block a road and we feel threatened, we can’t be charged and we can’t be sued.
Then they got just a little scared when folks showed up sitting in front of businesses in lawn chairs with rifles across their laps and handguns on their side.
After that while they were doing it in other states, they told people to stay away from Oklahoma. lol
I did see in Tulsa the other day there were some Mexicans protesting, but not that many and they stayed in their spot. Tulsa is ran by democrats, but Tulsa County is ran by Republicans.
There also were some of them that FAFO who didn’t go to work on their no migrants working day. They lost their jobs then ran to the media crying, saying they were legal citizens and just wanted to support their people and they never thought they would be fired. Business owners that did it just said, too bad too sad, they knew the rules, no show, no call, immediate termination. So they can enjoy all of their days off.
A family member sent me a picture of a restaurant in OKC that closed their doors in supporting illegals for no migrant work day when they opened back up yesterday. Not a soul in the parking lot or inside during lunch hour. I’m sure they’ll be running to the media as well crying. Much like businesses who ended up shutting their doors for being gun free or for being mask police around here. We don’t put up with their shit.
Heavily reinforced metal deer guards on large P/U trucks and SUV’s work well on mowing Antifa types out of the way.
Whenever I hear Antifa, I think of prairie dogs. I’ll be damned if I know why.
Good luck, this administration will go after the people behind the scenes paying for this crap.
Relax, they all got fat and lazy during the last four years and got use to working from home. This will be a big fizzle.
I’ve got a feeling that much of Antifa’s financial backing has dried up the past couple weeks.
They’re likely running on reserve.
Hey AntiFa cocksuckers (literally). If you block a road in Texas, we have the right to run your commie ass over.
wow, such a hard hitting well written article, i don’t know where to begin since it’s loaded with details
They need to be sent to Gitmo as well as the illegals.
I guess it didn’t go as well as hoped, since I heard nothing about it all day.