Armed Law Enforcement Officers Denied Seating At Cheesecake Factory – IOTW Report

Armed Law Enforcement Officers Denied Seating At Cheesecake Factory

– Restaurant Retreats.


American Military News:

Washington law enforcement officers were refused seating and asked to leave The Cheesecake Factory at the Tacoma Mall location on Tuesday.

Washington State Corrections Officer Miriam Nichols posted a message online on the Cheesecake Factory’s Facebook page explaining that she was denied service because three of the law enforcement officers were carrying a firearm when entering the restaurant.





She explained in the message that she was asked to leave by the general manager because they were in uniform and had a badge visible as well as being armed.  MORE

29 Comments on Armed Law Enforcement Officers Denied Seating At Cheesecake Factory

  1. Just place that CF location on the do not respond list for 911 calls. Send the rainbow patrol of pearl-clutching drag queens in their place. That should be a deterrent.

  2. Eastern WA, even a city like Tacoma, always seemed to me to be very conservative when I’ve been there. I would never treat police like thast even DOC guys.

    Generally if I see a sign forbidding weapons, I just don’t bother. Now I do see a lot of open carry being forbidden here with substantial fines and even prison if you do, but I have sig94’s attitude unless I see metal detectors or I’m going into a government building.

  3. The destruction of the 2A is always the goal, so leftists insist on gun-free zones expressly to attract mass murderers, which lets them villify guns even more.

    Want that utopian omelet? Eggs got to be broken. Innocents = eggs.

  4. Cheesy Factory…. nuther one for the lists!
    Whut lists you ask?
    Actually there are two of them….
    The first is the one to find good restaurants. With hundreds of chains out there not to mention goo Mom & Pop restaurants out there, it’s not like there isn’t any competition to pick and choose from.

    The second is for CEOs that have no real clue of why they’re collecting a friggin paycheck for.
    If you actually have to axe ’em if their job is to make money for the investors and the employees, or make a Social Justice Warrior statement, they need to be shit-canned pronto-ASAP and collect a “Major Asshole” card when they pass Go!

  5. Hope when (not if) they’re robbed and call 911, LO respond and leave their guns at the door and try to cajole the thieves out by reading CF no guns allowed policy.

  6. ” I have sig94’s attitude”

    The problem with that is, is that you are still supporting them financially. You will find lists on line in just about every state of businesses CCW’s should boycott. On those lists are cooperate e mail addresses to inform them why you don’t spend your money there. It does work. Locally we were able to get the no gun signs removed from Starbucks.

  7. Well BB as I said, if I see a sign forbidding weapons, I generally don’t bother going in or taking names. It’s their business and if that’s how they feel…If I see one saying it’s a “weapons free zone”, I disregard it and I can’t recall one place here with such a sign. I occasionally will see that in Midland. I had to drop off some work at an office building there and saw that and ignored it. It’s a much different attitude here in most of Texas then most other places.

    And the fact is here in my small town in w Texas, weapons are common. It’s pretty well expected most of us are armed.

  8. How convenient. The manager “misunderstood” corporate policy. How easy is it to misunderstand “Armed law enforcement is welcome” as “No law enforcement is wanted”?

  9. Misunderstood how? The only way to ‘misunderstand’ is if there’s something in the policy specifically about barring armed LEOs.

    The only way to make this right to the LEO community is to publicy post signs in every CF stating LEO’s are absolutely welcome and anyone ‘uncomfortable’ can ask to be moved to a different table or are free to leave, but anything else will be treated the same as open racial discrimination would be treated and the perpetrators will be permanently banned.

    And fire that manager.

  10. Libs have f’d up California so much even they decided to get out, and their diseased outlooks have befouled Oregon and Washington west of the Cascades. I grew up in the Tacoma area in the seventies, and I was stunned the first time I went back; seemed like all western Washington had turned into Berkeley with more rain.

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