AT LAST – A Documentary About How Much of A Murderous Monster Nelson Mandela Was – IOTW Report

AT LAST – A Documentary About How Much of A Murderous Monster Nelson Mandela Was

The left is going to hate this movie. It’s about the ruthlessness and barbarism of the African National Congress and “Saint” Nelson Mandela.

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ht/ Magnum

10 Comments on AT LAST – A Documentary About How Much of A Murderous Monster Nelson Mandela Was

  1. Is there a vignette by Dan Ratherbiased explaining the act of Necklacing?? Oh, Danny boy really tried to stick it to W about how he felt like he would get necklaced by the Bush43 Kommiczars.
    Makes one wonder if DR realized that Nelly Mandela was necklacing white farmers (the Boers) back in the early 1960s.

  2. I wonder how long it will take the O’Bozo DoiJ (Department of inJustice) to go after, and fabricate charges against the producers and director of this film – the same way they eventually did to Dinesh D’Souza with those trumped up Federal Election Committee charges.

    And PS – I may not be able to see it in a theater, but I hope to get a DVD/BlueRay copy when it comes out.

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