Stolen Valor Scammer Takes It to A Whole ‘Nother Level of Fraud
To really get the full disgusting details about fake marine, Sarah Cavanaugh you really need to hear it from Angry Cops, Richard Hy. (Warning: Foul Language). Watch
To really get the full disgusting details about fake marine, Sarah Cavanaugh you really need to hear it from Angry Cops, Richard Hy. (Warning: Foul Language). Watch
Hurriyetdailynews Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu said on Jan. 11 that Boji was adopted by businessman Ömer Koç, a relief for those who were concerned about the safety of the dog. Capturing the [Read More]
Watching an old episode of “How the Universe” works titled “Twin Suns: The Alien Mysteries” (season 6 episode 2, aired January 16, 2018) they described two stars orbiting each other [Read More]
Freedom. Watch @ Countryballs Animation
Red State Think about that for a moment. If your candidates jettison all connections to Democrat policy priorities, they can claw their way from 14 points down to only 6 [Read More]
Study Finds A team at Texas Christian University found that when people had to rate a group of photos based on the attractiveness of each person’s face, they consistently rated [Read More]
National Pulse The New York Times appears to be reluctantly admitting that Republican (“Red”) counties across the United States have developed more lasting, long-term immunity against COVID-19 than their Democratic [Read More]
Toronto Sun Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled [Read More]
Newsweek A bat falcon has been spotted in Texas—the first time the bird of prey has ever been seen in the U.S. Images of the bat falcon were taken by [Read More]
AP Some Democrats here in rural Pennsylvania are afraid to tell you they’re Democrats. The party’s brand is so toxic in the small towns 100 miles northeast of Pittsburgh that [Read More]
ABC U.S. military pilot Gail S. Halvorsen — known as the “Candy Bomber” for his candy airdrops during the Berlin airlift after World War II ended — has died at [Read More]
Breitbart Four Senate Republicans failed to show up to vote on an amendment that would have defunded President Joe Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates, thus ensuring its failure. The Senate voted [Read More]
Why go to Beijing or waste hours of time watching the winter Olympics on TV to see a good crash when you can watch Charlie Berens bring his Midwest sensibility [Read More]
Federalist Determining the size of a market correction is extremely difficult, but if the 2008 crash is an indicator of what’s in store for us today, then if the current [Read More]
It’s mid-February and all the exercise benefits just aren’t enough to offset the misery of having to shovel out the driveway, again. Let’s enjoy some of the latest tech for [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.