ABC: Just over two years ago, then-Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would not run to succeed President Barack Obama in the 2016 presidential election. This week, he admitted he regrets that he doesn’t currently occupy the Oval Office given the potential he sees in the United States.
“I regret that I am not president because I think there is so much opportunity,” Biden told Oprah Winfrey in a clip from an OWN Network interview aired exclusively by “Good Morning America” on Thursday. “I think America is so incredibly well-positioned.”
Biden, who served eight years as Obama’s vice president after 36 years in the U.S. Senate, said he did not have second thoughts, however, about the reason why he passed up the opportunity to enter the race.

“I don’t regret the decision I made because it was the right decision for my family,” he said. read more
NOT a photoshop^
Well I regret that I am not president. So?
Yes Joe, I’m sure you do regret that. But you are alone in that regret.
Dream on there, Joe. Wow, the Dems are so hosed, aren’t they?! LOL!
“Biden. Party of one! Biden. Party of one!”
Can’t we just tell Joe he won? Hell, he’ll probably believe it.
“I regret that I am not president because I think there is so much opportunity”…that I missed for fondling and nuzzling little girls and pretty young women. And putting my hand on the knee of the occasional cop.
Joey Choo-Choo was the only SOB that could make Barry look smart by comparison.
If you were unfortunate enough to run against Donald Trump, there would be tank tred marks on what ever piece of clothing clothing you wore that day. The election one of been called off by noon.
Where’s the investigation on all his hands on RECENT molestation of children and women alike? There are hundredes of pictures and tons of video of this lecherous pig for evidence.
he regrets that he doesn’t currently occupy the Oval Office given the potential he sees in the United States….. “I regret that I am not president because I think there is so much opportunity,”
YES! Agreed. But it is BECAUSE TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT. Not you Plugs Biden,
and not an other idiot from your anti-America Party.
FOAD, lying loser! How are your adulterer/drug addled children doing?
I don’t regret it.
What else would you expect from a moron who loves to drink, tell off-color dwarf jokes, give dull parties, cheap presents, nothing to charity, can’t count past three and enjoys playing mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds. Oh yeah, that’s all we need is Jackass Joe strutting around the White House like an arrogant assistant manager of a used car lot with the DNA of a drunken, Tourettes-addled Winnebago man and Karl Childers, who overshot his targeted level of incompetency decades ago, attempting to run the country!
Mmmmm Mmmmm them french fried pertaters are a big fuckin deal!
Insert face-palm here.
Old Crazy Joe misses all the ceremonial duties which allowed him to molest little girls!
Joe, if you could clone yourself a thousand times, and every iteration of yourself could feel a thousand times the regret you are feeling, it would not equal even one scintilla of the burning, crushing, soul-searing sorrow that Hillary Clinton is experiencing at this very moment, and will wake up with every single morning for the rest of her miserable, ego-driven life, until at last Death takes pity on her and grants her his final, merciful reprieve.
Does that put things into a different perspective for you?
Feel better now?
You’re welcome.
America was “incredibly well positioned” at the end of Buh-rock’s regime. To get fucked. Tied down in the prone position with a ballgag in its mouth.
What kind of world do we live in where a stroked out, hairplugged, captoothed, drug addict raising, influence peddling, serial plagiarist with well-documented habits of forcing female Secret Service agents watch him swim naked and unwanted grabbing of girls of all ages on video is the heart and soul of a political party.
Oh yea, this one.