Bidumb Strikes Again – IOTW Report

Bidumb Strikes Again

22 Comments on Bidumb Strikes Again

  1. Thanks Joe! This and your recent ice cream cone video of you telling us how great the economy and inflation are for us will seal the midterm fate.

    love it. Keep up the good work…for us conservatives.

  2. I was channel surfing and SNL actually had a funny skit about biden* running in 2024.
    It was kind of a backhanded compliment since they blasted the alternatives: Kamala, Beto, Pete, & Hillary.

    It will likely be on the interweb tomorrow.

    Perhaps these idiots are making an effort now?
    Of course not but oh well.


    declared there were 59 states in 2008

    Which the MSM totally ignored and did not report

    Will the leftist pigs ever own up to

    Who’s incompetent and should removed

    Will the left ever shut up about who they hate
    and should be removed because of their hate alone

    Will the left ever concede that
    they themselves are scum?

  4. Word is that Twitter just fact-checked the official biden* White House account.

    If this is true it’s fucking glorious and motherfucking MSM heads will literally explode!


  5. Adolph Pedo McFuckstick will be gone after the midterms. The confusion, agitation, and outight terror from disorientation displayed now are occurring on a daily basis (probably hourly) now regardless of the stimulus provided by what we all know to be the most expensive and radical dementia meds available.

    Millions are being spent to prop up his necrotic neruosyphiliiic carcass but he is well past the point of diminishing return. They have lost the initiative now and they know it.

    Their last gasp of pinko sedition will be another wave of vindictive legal warfare DOJ persecutions against PDJT/MAGA, 160 more Excutive Orders, Antifaqueer and race riots and as much border chaos and mayhem as they can muster.

    They are so stupid they failed to see the logical fallacies of the Jan 6 persecution. Now they can’t scream election denial without equating themselves to PDJT.

    They will try the racist gambit of course with their chief cheerleader Tank Abrams but her 400 pound wad is spent from crying wolf for years. Besides 40% of Hispanics and 30% of Blacks will vote Republican anyway so they are out of arrows on electoral racism.

    No, they will conduct as much retribution as possible but their momentum is spent. They will flail their arms, legs, and fists in their usual toddler like tantrum but the smarter ones like Hillezbub are already triangulating away from the Marxist wing.

    They will reach the crest of damage to America and then throw the Pedo under the bus in January and blame it all on him. They will present Dorkturd Jilldo with his imprisonment or retirement.

    Then they will say clean slate Commiela will save us. It’s all so predictable but so few understand they are cooking their 2024 goose. Maybe the Clinton mafia will prevail over the Kenyan commies and prevent 3 months of revenge porn and they will temper their reactions to the red tsunami. Even Lurch is quitting his current grift to line up for 2024. So who knows, my money is on retribution.

    Their stupidity equals their hatred so time will tell.

  6. C’mon, Man! Dementia Joey is just getting ahead of the next stolen election, when Senator Fetterman adds the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa to the United States of America.

  7. Moved to a conservative area of Arizona last year. Saw the very first Biden Bumper sticker yesterday, 3″ X 8″ maybe? Washington plates. And yes, the driver was by himself, sportin’ an I AM STUPID mask. So that makes it about 25,000 Trump to 1 Biden. Snowbirds season.


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