Black Groups Not Interested In Erecting Their “Victory Mosque” – IOTW Report

Black Groups Not Interested In Erecting Their “Victory Mosque”


Stone Mountain, in Georgia, is often regarded as confederate hallowed ground. That’s why there’s been a proposal to sandblast off the carvings of Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, because, apparently, it’s racist.

The other proposal was to erect a giant memorial in honor of Martin Luther King atop the mountain.

Even the NAACP and the SCLC thinks the idea is ridiculous.

10 Comments on Black Groups Not Interested In Erecting Their “Victory Mosque”

  1. This has NOTHING to do with getting rid of something that is “racist” and EVERYTHING to do with expunging the slavery-ridden, racist, segregationist, and anti-civil rights history of the democrat party.

    Thanks to the internet, the intelligent people are on to the democrats. They can no longer make people believe that “the parties switched” because they didn’t. They have to admit that Frederick Douglass was a Republican. They can’t claim that Abraham Lincoln was a “democrat/Republican.” (Yes, I had some knuckle-dragger tell me that with a straight face. I asked him to Google “first Republican president.” He started yammering about century old constructs. Ass.)

    This is what the Clinton’s did during Bill’s run in the Whore House. When someone would confront them with the truth, is suddenly became “old news.” The democrat party will do anything to make their past disappear.

  2. Most (if not every) city in the US was conceived by evil white men. (All white men are racists, aren’t they?) And they built the interstate roads and such. So, let’s tear down all the cities and interstates.

    (I know, it almost sounds like a dream come true, right?)

    In solely scientific terms, all W. Virginia state and federal buildings should be sandblasted.

  3. Southern Christian Leadership Conference, is there a more illogically named organization than this?
    The SCLC is anything but ‘Christian’ and I’m a damn atheist.
    During MLK’s time, maybe it was, then again, MLK was a Republican, eh?

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