Black Like… Him? – IOTW Report

Black Like… Him?

Daily Caller: A white North Carolina Democratic candidate brushed aside questions earlier this week about ensuring diversity in his state by saying he is a member of the black community.

House of Representatives candidate Gary Shipman said he doesn’t need to worry about diversity because he has already experience it as a member of the African-American community, reported The News & Observer Wednesday.

“I’m a member of the African-American community,” Shipman said. “I’ve been where you are. I’ve been in your communities.”

Shipman made the comments at an outreach event after he and other candidates were asked by “Suit Up Wilmington Outreach” leaders how they intend to get black people excited by their campaign and how they will raise diversity.

When one female candidate offered to go to African American events in the community, Shipman said he didn’t need an invitation because black people already view him as one of them.  more here

18 Comments on Black Like… Him?

  1. Lordy. The brass balls of this black woman!

    Pandering eventually puts you in a position of beclowning yourself. You need to be black to ingratiate yourself for one group. Then you need to be Hispanic. Then you need to be female. Homo. Lesbo.

    Life is complicated for chameleon pols.

    Be yourself and speak truth? It’s way too hard I guess.
    It’s obvious that it’s hard to keep a lie going. Why go there?

  2. Plantsman, exactly. I want to hear him rap a SnoopDog, JayZ, 50cent, rap song with full N!&&er lyrics if he is “one of them”… in fact, Id like someone to ask him if he uses that term as commonly and often as black people in his district do. Id love to hear him answer that….

  3. Okay, Gary, what are the seven core principles of Kwaanzaa? Oh wait, black people don’t know anything about Kwaanzaa.

    Okay, Gary, what is the name of Beyonce’s sister?


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