Canada’s Rapid Slide Down the MAiD Slope – IOTW Report

Canada’s Rapid Slide Down the MAiD Slope

Listening to Triggernometry interview Kelsi Sheren this morning talking about Canada’s assisted suicide regime. Sheren alleges that Canada is now putting people to death for non-life threatening / end of life diseases/ conditions. Her assertion is that the nation went from a rather high standard of medically induced earl deaths for those with a terminal illness to euthanasia for many conditions that are treatable yet are left to linger due to Canada’s national healthcare system. So why not take pressure off the system by killing patients instead?

Why are Canada’s rates continuing to climb at horrific rates? Let’s talk about the breakdown from just BC, which represents over 30% of the deaths in Canada in 2023; it goes deep into each category, organ type, and comorbidity. When we look at other conditions or comorbidity outside of cancer, we see Diabetes at 9.8%, chronic pain at 24.8%, autoimmune condition at 2.4%, Frailty at 60.5% and “other” at 52.1%. My point in breaking this down is simple. THESE are not terminal illnesses; these are not foreseeable deaths. These are manageable, not worthy of a painful, and yes, I said painful death because you really didn’t think it was 100% painless, did you? Another substack coming on the mechanism of death next.

These numbers are just one category in one province in this country. JUST ONE.

Kelsi Sheren on Substack

Just to add some balance, here’s another Substack taking issue with how Sheren and in this case, Jordan Peterson have characterized MAiD. Here

14 Comments on Canada’s Rapid Slide Down the MAiD Slope

  1. Either all lives are sacred, or none are.

    Always been that way.

    Always will be.

    Once you make it so a value can be set on a life, the people you permit to make that valuation will abuse that power to fit their own agenda.


  2. Open that door even a crack and that is where progressive/Marxist/Satanists go every last time without fail. Why anyone would not scoff at the very notion that the bastards are advocating for anything out of compassion or empathy is beyond me. They have proven time and again to have absolutely no capacity for any respect for human life.

  3. Canada will die thru assisted suicide and sell its parts to the US. Alberta and Saskatchewan, those two sturdy legs, yeah, C’mon down to the US Body Parts Emporium and Ye’ Old Organ Shoppe.

  4. The push for abortion was the first step.Make that acceptable to a number of people, then make it legal to provide a “Death with Dignity” to people dying of a painful condition. Then make assisted suicide for people with depression. The kill off people who otherwise have many years left because they make the much vaunted “free” healthcare too expensive.

    I happened to see the 60 Minutes episode that finally landed Dr. Death in prison. After the deed was done, they talked to the victim’s family, someone with a degenerative disease as I recall but still could have a few years. In a nutshell:

    “He was in such pain.”
    “He was in such misery”
    “He was a pain in the ass.”

    I read an article in Readers Digest about thirty years ago. It talked about the situation in a Scandinavian country. Yeah, it was strictly voluntary, with doctors saying things like “You don’t want to be a burden on your family, do you?

    Frankly, I think a relative of a candidate for euthanasia should do what he thinks he needs to do and sort it out with his maker later. But absolutely no good can come of making it official government policy.

  5. Canaduh has Catch 22 healthcare.

    If you’re healthy, you can get health care. If you’re sick, the only healthcare you can get is assisted suicide, unless the only thing wrong with you is that you want to commit suicide. Then, you must be treated for wanting to commit suicide until you’re no longer suicidal.

  6. This is that swell healthcare the Lefties want here.

    If Trump wants to annex Canada, all he has to do is tell them taxes and prices will drop like a stone and you won’t have to wait almost 2 years to see a doctor if you have cancer.


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