GP: The Trump Effect is in full swing, as the President-Elect is back making geopolitical waves with his ‘mean tweets’ – even if now they are posted primarily on his social platform, Truth Social.
One such wave crashed in Canada, where failed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his liberals are scrambling to react to news about tariffs imposed on their country.
Trudeau was reportedly quick to respond to Donald J. Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on Mexican, Canadian, and Chinese goods. MORE
I guess the only real question left to ask is who has to clean up the diarhea trail leading to the PM desk phone?
Trump should tell him: Eat a bag of dicks
Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 18:50 at 6:50 pm
“Trump should tell him: Eat a bag of dicks”
…Turdeau would think he was flirting if he said that…
Liberals are unable to think beyond their own stupidity, they don’t understand there may be consequences for their ignorant actions.
I’m not a numerologist so I don’t believe in any real-world significance to numbers of this sort, but sometimes numbers nevertheless make me grin!
President Trump, previously President #45, will again enter the White House next year in 2025.
2025 = 45²
Yep, we’re going to see 45 squared on January 20!
“Liberals are unable to think beyond their own stupidity, they don’t understand there may be consequences for their ignorant actions.”
Agreed on both points, but the real danger, as I see it, is that they are too narcissistic to admit ANYTHING they have done is wrong.
Consequences from their actions, etc., are always someone else’s fault. Some how. Some way.
Die-hard libs will never take responsibility for their failures – the ones that do?… Realize they are really conservative at heart. Or, at least, behave exactly as conservatives do without realizing it.
Ana Kasparian is starting to look like this lately – a good example right now.
Great catch with that. My hat’s off to ya.
No Tears for Turds.
Pres. Trump’s victory is hitting other countries like a tsunami, and embolding and galvanizing conservatives outside the US.
Bite the dust, Turdeau.
The Taylor Swift buzz sure died off in a hurry for Turd Dough.
Dick’s hamburgers in Spokane still has the old sign to buy them by the bag full. Maybe when they were cheap, not now. In the old days we could honestly say that we could buy a bag of Dick’s, (and feed the whole family for $5 to $10 dollars, pop and fries included) and it was a bag of hamburgers and not a bag of dicks.
Trudeau is trying to entrap President Trump into violating the Logan Act.
Mean while New York State and Connecticut are floating the idea of stop paying all federal taxes and succeeding from the union and becoming part of Canada. My only question is, how fast can they make this happen?
Twinkle Toes Trudy crushing over a real man, President Trump will do exactly as he’s told – uncouple from China -
or face the music;