You care a lot more about the future of your country when your kids have to grow up in it. The childless cat ladies of the left don’t care about the future of our great nation, why would they? #TrumpVance2024
— Conservative News Feed (@C_N_F__on__X) July 16, 2024
19 Comments on Childless Cat Ladies
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He’s right.
The left is whining about this but it’s probably because they know it’s true.
My mother always sarcastically
said people without children are better at raising them
I’d like to add that they’re also better at grooming and sacrificing them. And that’s not sarcasm.
Fair point. It is a snarkier take on a valid point that those without children or grandchildren live for the here and now and trend more liberal in their views. But since politicians as a class trend “liberal” despite having children points more towards a narcissistic personality. I like cats, but yeah, cats. But some dogs too
What I’ve always said, the self-hating, angry Left is so Hell-bent on dragging everything down to their own personal level of SUCK because deep down they know they are so AFU they cannot possibly compete with normal people in a normal world!
Dragging society down to their level of Hell is their only way to get ahead.
dissatisfied with their inability to compete with normal people in a normal world are
I guess that last line was an editing left over. Sorry.
^ All it needed was a _______________ <– Reader Participation Area
I get the childless cat lady reference and you can add in the dog moms too. However, don’t lump me in with those liberals and stereotype me because I don’t have kids.
Not every family is Republican. Liberals have kids too. They raise them liberal because they care about the future of the country, their version of the future. I know quite a few very liberal families and their kids are as you’d expect. Some trans, generally messed up and if they are in the teens/20’s pretty militant politically lefty like their parents.
As an individual voter, I care about the country’s past and it’s future, and vote R accordingly.
Is it okay to be somewhat insulted by this line of thinking? I’m a Trump voter, will this win anyone new to our side?
When I hear someone saying anything about cat ladies I think of liberal, single, Karen’s. I don’t think of women who don’t have children and possibly can’t have children. So I don’t like the comment he made. I know couple of single women that is voting for Trump. He’s going to piss off several voters. Not good
I totally agree with the comment even though I’m a childless cat lady.
But then, I’m very conservative and want my nephews and nieces (and their kids) and EVERYONE’S kids to grow up in country without the current destructive leftists and elites who hate. They hate everyone but their own and want all the earth for themselves.
75 yr old male; I don’t even have kids of my own and I give a huge damn about them destroying America. I’m not paying taxes so they can enslave “our” children.
Not all childless cat ladies are:
1. childless
2. women
3. have cats.
Vance made his point clear and he is correct. When someone is conscientiously raising kids in this world, they look at the world from a different broader and VIGILANT perspective.
A broader perspective likely than someone cloistered in a small room who only has cats (yes, or dogs) to converse with.
Vance is right over the target, and that’s why he’s taking flak.
Hollywierd even mobilized Jennifer Aniston (awww!) to denounce him. Gasp! THAT really rocked me back on my heels. lolol
Vance was talking about the people who run the Democrat party, not the Democrat voters.
Just thought I’d point that out……….
Jennifer Anniston
@Illustr8r I understand where you are coming from. I am not childless but I am a cat lady; however, you have nothing on me, as my name is Karen. Just saying. Sometimes you have to just let it go.
The left engineered feminism to exploit women by ultimately ruining their lives so they vote for a government husband.
As a childless –and catless– lady, I care very much about the future of this country and particularly the education of its children because I can’t hire young people who will actually show up regularly and on time, and know enough math and grammar to get through the day. Thus, I am a big supporter of school vouchers –and I want some say in where my tax dollars go to those vouchers! Childless taxpaying employers ought to be able to earmark some vouchers for VoTech, apprenticeships, or whatever will increase their labor pool, IMHO.
That said, I think JD makes a very good point that the people making policy that affects families are disproportionately childless. But it’s only one of many ways in which the powerful few do not share the perspective of the majority of those they govern. Sure, it might offend a few people, but I’m still righteously offended by the mess the ruling class made of the health care system just so they could ensure their significant others were covered and that paternity pay applied to both dads, FFS.
As much as I like dogs and to a lesser degree cats, if the left gets its way we will be eating our pets. As much as we’re repelled by that statement and it can’t happen in America.
Don’t take my word for it,
history proves this.
Fight fight fight.
Childless people, especially childless wimmins should not be in positions of power anywhere in the world.
I don’t go by how many kids you have. I go by how many different psych meds you wash down with box wine each day. But I understand what they mean.
Rambling thoughts had one question come up –
Would you rather live next door to a lefty cat lady – or next door to someone who catches and kills cats in your neighborhood?
I’ll take the lefty cat lady every time.
Whole ‘nother level of psycho.
I am a widower with no kids.
Plenty of nieces and nephews- I strive to set them good example.
I vote conservative.
And I love my cat.