Patriot Retort:
I just can’t stand this absurd notion of collective guilt.
If I hear one more politician say “We have a long way to go” or “We must confront our racism” or “We must take steps to blah-blah-blah,” I’m going to scream.
Funny, isn’t it? When an Islamic radical opens fire in a gay nightclub and murders scores of people, politicians and the news media urge us to remember that one cannot condemn an entire religion based on the actions of one person.
If only they applied that to everything else.
One police officer in Minneapolis kneels on a suspect and the suspect dies, suddenly “WE” – every melanin-challenged American from coast-to-coast — are to blame. Therefore “WE” must condemn ourselves and seek atonement all in this bizarre practice of collective guilt.
No. Sorry. No sale.
We are a nation that is founded on the principle of the Individual, not the Collective.
If one man commits a sin, that one man is responsible, not every person of that man’s race, and certainly not “society.” MORE HERE
Or. “That’s not who we are.”
You have no idea who the f—k we are. It’s why you’re still mortified about 2016.
Put your head down on your desk, Thirdtwin!
I’m going to bed now, Jimmy. I’ve started enough shit tonight 😎
Yet another “no shit Sherlock” revelation. For Christ’s sake: I figured that out when I was barely out of three cornered pants.
Ya’ want to know what else I figured out? That followers of the progressive movement have had decades of solid evidence of what the political philosophy they follow has to offer. Increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. They have no recourse to “good intentions” when they are called to account. Willful ignorance is not going to save their immortal soul. If anything, it compounds what they have to atone for for the evil that is in their heart.
Some people think that telling a prog that they are going to hell will insult them. They are confused. For a prog that is recognition that others recognize that they have achieved their goal.
You have to trust me on this folks. I know what I am posting about from first hand experience with the sons ‘a bitches.
What others are pointing to that is going on in CHAZ and saying: How is it that people are capable of acting like that? Can you believe that people can act in such a sub-human way? I am pointing to and saying: You haven’t seen anything yet. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They are just getting warmed up, if there is no intervention you will get to witness how diabolical narcissism can take a man created in the image of God and reduce them to such a wicked and evil, sub-human level that they can no longer be recognized as human.
“If one man commits a sin, that one man is responsible, not every person of that man’s race…”
…except we ALL got a “Starter Sin” from one man, Adam, but at least ANOTHER man, Jesus, was sent to free us.
…but with the Original Sin of Racism, you are guilty because, White, there’s NO Jesus, and you are expected to sacrifice unto Black “Leaders” in lieu of God until you DIE, which they hope is pretty SOON, after which all White people are condemed to Hell without exception because they are White, so sayeth revered Civil Rights leader, Obama inagural speaker, and Martin Luther King Jr. Associate, Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient Rev. Joseph Lowery…
“Lowery said that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell,” the Monroe County Reporter (Ga.) says in covering a rally in Forsyth, Georgia. “Then he mellowed and just said most of them were. Now, he said, he is back to where he was.”
…yep, forget the Bible, Whitey goan to HAYEL.
No exceptions.
…yet somehow WE’RE the racist ones…
I am guilty of many sins…… but the ownership of slaves, subjugation of the indians, nukin’ the japs etc. are not among them.
This is what has me seething lately. There is no system that needs fixing. How about this…take responsibility for yourselves and quit blaming others for your actions.
How about using a rubber for once. How many of your kids grow up without a daddy? And why do the majority of black males shun education? Oh that’s right, they want to be a rapper or an athlete. Just once, I’d like to hear a young black kid say he wants to be a doctor or scientist.
Also, how long will your race use “racism” as a crutch?
Didn’t get the job you wanted because of racism right? Not a small chance another candidate had more experience? Or interviewed slightly better? Yeah, that’s racism for you.
Failed the bar exam because you didn’t put enough effort in to prepare for it? That’s sad, I’m sure the questions are too white biased anyways.
Didn’t get the promotion you wanted? I hear ya, it’s always the systems fault…and the manager is a honky, so yeah.
I can go on and on. I have so much pent up anger but It’s too early in the morning to be this way, so this is the condensed version.
I’ll just finish it with this –
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps…then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
― Jesse Jackson
Oh, c’mon – it’s a ploy for power – nothing else.
White people stopped slavery. REPUBLICAN WHITE people in this country!
Nobody gives a shit about your guilt – real or imagined – only about the emotional manipulation that allows THEM to dictate to YOU.
The nihilists will put the negroes and their #BLM bullshit in the same extermination camp as you.
“Oh, yeah? I was ANTIFA and BLM! Oh, look, it’s time for our showers! Scrub a dub dub!”
It only has to work for a while.
izlamo delenda est …
Jordan Peterson’s take on that topic
The elite have long practiced mind control upon the population. Why else would people acquiesce to their demands? Today it is so sophisticated to be undetectable to the majority. Television, the internet, media, “education” (especially “higher” education), mk ultra, politics, military, religion, 5G, the music industry, etc. etc. etc.
I finally get to celebrate “Juneteenth” this morning!
“COPS” Marathon just started on WGN! 😉
i don’t have to do jack-s**t, bitches
Maybe they didn’t get the job because of the face tats or couldn’t make a coherent sentence in their interview or maybe dinking with their phone while they’re being interviewed didn’t help.
JUNE 20, 2020 AT 9:47 AM
“Maybe they didn’t get the job because of the face tats…”
…You mean like THIS genius?
Defund the police……
Institute the Purge…….
What could go wrong….?
My wife said that the only thing I have been guilty of is not buying her enough jewelry!