Covering the Inaugural – IOTW Report

Covering the Inaugural

ReasonTV gives us a glimpse of what to expect from the major cable news networks on Inauguration Day. I know which channel I’d be watching if given a choice. Here

11 Comments on Covering the Inaugural

  1. We just watched President Trump, First Lady Melania, and Barron Trump board (not sure what to call it) an Air Force “United States of America” plane in Florida. I imagine they’re headed for D.C. It was so exciting!

    Can’t believe how both quickly and slowly the past 4 years have passed. It’s a surreal moment in our history. Monday will be a national day of finally exhaling.

    God is good all the time. All the time God is good. We give thanks.

  2. Not amused. They start off trashing Trump for not serving in Vietnam. Yet he took a bullet in the head and rose up in the face of more bullets that might be coming and urged America to ‘fight’. That gets him a Purple Heart and Silver Star in my mind.

  3. Maybe it’s my imagination, but watching the last few clips recently of Trump, he looks like he’s lost some weight, good for him.

    Smiting evildoers is not for weaklings, he needs to be lean and mean and steely-eyed in his resolve to do the people’s bidding.

  4. @Anon

    I expect those who yell about Trump not serving in Vietnam were the same people, or the children of those who were urging young men to dodge the draft back in the 1960’s.

  5. Sorry, as a vet I see nothing funny about War. I have problems with those who think it can just be laughed away. Sorry, it can’t be funny for many of us, and it often haunts us at unexpected times. As the song says, some tears never dry.

  6. “Maybe it’s my imagination, but watching the last few clips recently of Trump, he looks like he’s lost some weight, good for him.”

    Let’s pray it’s normal and not a health issue consequence.

  7. Deplorable 2nd Class Saturday, 18 January 2025, 22:31 at 10:31 pm

    Sorry, as a vet I see nothing funny about War. I have problems with those who think it can just be laughed away. Sorry, it can’t be funny for many of us, and it often haunts us at unexpected times. As the song says, some tears never dry.


    So right. You have my sympathies and respect. Just as much as my respect for my German mother has at 18 in 1945 WW2 Berlin – as a Jew. Every denial about the holocaust effects me the same way. It’s quite infuriating.

    May you find and own peace about this.


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