His prior comittments are smothering him.
He didn’t get much support from his friends, either:

What a featherweight.
PALM BEACH, Florida – It might be called the Great Pillow Fight of 2021, but David Hogg is quitting the battle, no longer wishing to be a pillow Hogg.
The gun-control activist and student during the 2018 Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has announced he’s leaving the company he co-founded to compete against Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy noted for his staunch support of President Donald Trump. more
All hail the once and future Pillow King. Mike Lindell.

Are they going to sell them with Hogg sweat on them? You know, as an incentive?
…factories are HARD!
…well, back to being a sniveling poser standing on the corpses of his classmates…
…you know what, David, maybe all you needed wuz arm bands!
..yup, THAT’S the ticket…
Will now have time to focus on his lifelong dream of becoming a cage fighter.
He couldn’t be the “Whole Hogg” aka in charge of the company like Mike Lindell is, so he gave up his few shares and is off pouting along with making more visits to his therapist.
Go figure. Come up with a (spiteful) grand plan,get money and accolades from fellow leftists,realize it’s a failure, dump it in someone else’s lap and prance off into the sunset.
What will happen first? Lose his virginity or actually finish a project he starts?
APRIL 11, 2021 AT 5:42 PM
“What will happen first? Lose his virginity or actually finish a project he starts?”
…I think he already lost his virginity when he started hanging out with Obam…oh, you mean, with a FEMALE? And NOT with his anus?
…well, in THAT case, it will be a dead heat because NEITHER will happen for him EVER, maybe that’s why he so douchy, it’s the ONLY way he can even REFERENCE a vagina, so maybe he’d get better if a nice Trump supporting lady stepped up and took one for the team….
The kid ain’t a virgin. ask Chasten…
Come on now, you can’t fault the kid. He thought it would be a pillow bite not a pillow fight.
This escapee from the Island of Misfit Toys couldn’t run a factory if it wuz making signature model, custom butt-plugs! His instructions to meet the Obamboozler were: “When ya get to Georgetown Waterfront park, just look for the Potomac Fairy” and don’t fergit the secret woid: “Have you seen my gerbil?”
This was nothing more than a publicity stunt, it never had a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding.
This was his second 15 minutes of fame. Only this time it was more expensive to someone – either him or investors or both.
“What a featherweight.”
You’da thought pillow-biters would’ve lined up behind each other for MILES for this product! 🤩
Bob M.
APRIL 11, 2021 AT 6:50 PM
“You’da thought pillow-biters would’ve lined up behind each other for MILES for this product!”
…they may have, but there wasn’t anything to SELL them.
…see, actually MAKING something is MUCH harder than just tearing things down and attacking people.
…that’s why all democrats DO is tear things down and attack people, building things and people UP is SO much harder, much easier to just call someone a racist and then go get your Government check…
Shows how simplistic and ridiculous liberals are. Oh all you have to do is make a pillow?! Then when they realize what it takes to actually make a safe product, have it tested and produced and get it to market isn’t as easy as you think. Let alone who will be willing to buy it.
Just how far did he get? Was it beyond the paper napkin scribbled on at the table?
I guess it was a virtual pillow kind of thing.
Note: Insert communism everytime you hear the word progressive.
His resume is going to be filled with-
What I STARTED to do-
I helped some guy, sorta-
I rode my bike to-
I yelled about adults on camera and-
I’ve been super busy and stuff-
Hey! I’m on Twitter-
He should have followed the “three step plan”
Did he give himself a Golden Parachute when he submitted his resignation?
Peter the Bubblehead
APRIL 12, 2021 AT 6:15 AM
“Did he give himself a Golden Parachute when he submitted his resignation?”
…nah, the kids just rage quit now without thinking about consequences, they learned it from video games.
…it’s rather emblematic of the lack of professionalism in this generation that when they get bored with a job, they simply stop showing up, and usually don’t even bother to call when they do so their employer only finds out when he calls THEM…
Turns out he’s just a pillow case…