Southern California Pastor JackHibbs doesn’t hold back and slams California’s Democrat leadership.

“I have a bomb to drop right now. We have watched the absolute exposure of the most incompetent… Nobody can hide from this. Nobody can hide from this. There’s no excuse. This is the wealthiest state in the country.
We pay the most in taxes, the most for gas, the most for electricity—you name it. If it’s in California, we pay the most for it. Why? Because of our government. Why? Because of things that Sacramento does—because they can.
The flag of this state is an absolute, abject lie. The flag says, “California Republic.” It is not.
A republic is where the people decide and have their way. What has happened to California? Prove me wrong.
I challenge you today if you don’t like what I’m about to say: California has been under unmitigated Democrat control—100% power control.
A Democrat supermajority. What does that mean? It means nobody can oppose their decision-making.
Now you’ve got a situation where a catastrophe came, and the billions of dollars you and I gave were diverted to other woke, stupid Democrat projects. That’s not hyperbole—it is a fact.
You don’t like it? Change your party. If you don’t like it, change something. I’m upset and angry, and it’s the right kind of anger.
Let me tell you this: When you open up a fire hydrant and nothing comes out, and Joe Biden says, “It’s because we need electricity,” it’s outrageous.
It was turned off for the fire hydrant to work. In some cases, that might be true—if the fire hydrants are on top of a mountain, you need a motor to drive the water up. But that’s extremely rare, and it wasn’t the case in these fires.
Bad management. Horrific politicians who took your money and took trips—like Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles. She decided to go to Africa the week of the fires, on a little trip that you paid for.
She was really put out when she was told to come home. It didn’t look good. It looked very bad. You’ve got Gavin Newsom flying down here, then laughing it up at a command center while being caught on tape.
All this while he spends millions—probably your dollars—to buy himself a new house.
It’s time to replace the leadership in California. You don’t need any more examples. These fires could have been stopped.
We’re in California. We have the Santa Ana winds. Southern California is predominantly arid. We know this; we’ve known this for hundreds and hundreds of years.
But let me ask you something: what have we done to strengthen the infrastructure of our water system? Answer: nothing. We’ve done the exact opposite.
We have built homes, but the system that’s in place now was built when California had half its current population.
We never beefed up our reservoirs, never built new dams, and never held onto the water because Gavin Newsom, Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi thought it was a great idea to send water out to the ocean.
I reached out to a particular man who can do something about it, and I said, “Guess what? I’ve spent a lot of time in Israel. Israel is a water-independent nation, and Israel draws water from the Mediterranean. Why don’t you run for governor and build desalination plants in California? If Israel can do it, we can do it. Let’s make California a water-independent state. We’ve got the biggest water supply off the coast of California, and we can build systems to use it. We can learn from the Romans; we can learn from Israel.”
California never has to worry again.
I don’t think I have the video, but I was so mad when I saw an LA County firefighter running over to a dripping, broken faucet from someone’s house with what looked like a potted plant holder.
He waited for it to fill up, then ran about 60 feet to where a house was on fire and poured two gallons of water on it. I thought, This is a third-world state. It’s unacceptable. Either fix it or give us our money back.”
An intelligent man. “Why don’t you run for governor and build desalination plants in California? If Israel can do it, we can do it. Let’s make California a water-independent state. ”
Bingo. Because 12 angry Lezbos will never permit this.
I’m thinking that if when FOX News interviews your average pissed off man or woman on the street it would go along ways to ask one final question. Who did you vote for last election and do you identify as a Democrat. Now that would be BOOM worthy.
Better question would be, why did the liberals vote to keep Newsom during the recall. Suck it up, you got your way, and now you don’t have a pot to piss in.
That’s not what happened. The first time the Libtards involved in monitoring the petition saved his ass by throwing out, disqualifying, a shit ton of signatures. The second time around they left it up to the Cali Supreme court to do the same thing. Voters have no voice in this state. They protect our rulers and they just need our money.
I ran outta gas. I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from outta town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, fires, locusts, CLIMATE CHANGE!. It wasn’t my fault! I swear to God!
But desalination would make the resulting ocean water too salty for the little fishies. We can’t have that.
What a shame that it took an event like this to open some people’s eyes, and an even bigger shame that others just refuse to see.
It won’t be fixed and the $Billions you all paid in Tax is spent. As a matter of Fact California is in DEBT.
Better get ready to pony up at a higher cost. No Rubber checks, only Government can do that.
We didn’t start the fire.
We were eating Cheetos,
and rubbing red hair dye in …
If a problem exists for more than 1 session of the Legislature, it’s not a “problem” – it’s entirely intentional – and profitable for those sustaining (though carping) about the “problem” – whatever it may be.
Globaloney Warming (Climate Change – or whatever they want to call it this week) is total bullshit – a world-wide hoax which gov’ts are using to oppress their peeps and extract even more tribute – and millions of #metoo maggots who don’t have a shred of knowledge about physics, chemistry, heat transfer, or anything else, for that matter – millions of lemmings glad to be led over the cliff.
Shitty schools? They’ve been shitty since the 50s.
Dangerous ghettoes? They’ve been dangerous ghettoes since the 50s.
Madmen wandering the streets? Madmen have been wandering the streets since the lunatic asylums were shut down in the early 60s.
Sorry – everybody knows this.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
best thing i ever did was leave los angeles and california…had i stayed i wouldn’t have a house right now…i lived in altadena…