You have to hear to this interview and witness the utter frustration and incredulousness of the interviewer after listening to 2 minutes of this absolute jackass and liar.

I sympathize with the radio host, because this is what I’ve been dealing with – assholes who cannot even explain what it is they are doing and why. They have one setting –  TEDDDDDDDDddddddddddddd!

Why is she a jackass?

Because she claims the ads aren’t anti-Trump, they are just an intimate request of Donald Trump to drop out of the race so a new candidate that can win can step in. She claims she wants Trump to win (even though he is poised to overtake her in the polls), and that she’ll probably vote for him on election day if he doesn’t drop out, but in the meantime she will run ads that make him look terrible. She claims the ads do not have a negative impact, that the best thing to do is just ignore her. (Sure, members of his own party publicly asking him to cease running is not at all negative.)

Why is she a liar?

Because she is running the ads in swing-states. Obviously these states were strategically selected to cause the greatest damage to Trump. So her dubious claim that the ads aren’t negative is a farce. So much for “PRINCIPLES!!!!” She’s already shown that she can lie with ease, so where are these much vaunted principles?

Seriously, this interview is a mess.

But the most distressing part is that I do not think there’s a #NeverTrumper out there that could do a better job of articulating the #NeverTrump position.




  1. She will not explain WHY she’s doing this at all, because she can’t do it without calling herself butthurt.

    The fact that she agrees when the interviewer is telling her that she’s trying to hurt Trump’s chances in one moment and in the next moment she says she’s not, is telling me she’s either passive aggressive, or she has issues which require a drug.

    I’m willing to bet she has glued a few of Cruz’s hair on a muslin doll which she sleeps with at night. She’s in Glenn Beck territory and I wish Cruz would say publicly that he’s not down with this chick..

  2. What a spiteful taint.

    Does she actually believe that in four years after Hillary Clinton has packed to the Supreme Court and lower circuit courts with leftists that her “winning candidate” would be able to achieve anything to pull us back from the leftist direction this country is heading?

    Each and every law put out by the Republicans would be challenged and shot down the lower courts and inevitably the Supreme Court. But hey, at least she would have her winning candidate.


  3. That interview was blood boiling. Bravo Rose. Regina Thompson comes across like a real stubborn cunt; a very dense idiot, and yes, a Killary lookalike. At this point, Labor Day, I feel the same way about all #Never Trump beefbrains.

  4. Paid Hilary agent.

    The Cruz make-believe is just a ploy, a pretense, a plausible cover story for DNC moles.

    This is all about electing Hilary.

    Imagine what chaos WE could be causing among the Clinton undecided’s if WE were funding our own moles to pose as Dem’s and run ‘ Drop Out Hilary & Let Bernie Win!” Propaganda.

  5. Levin does the same thing- bashes Trump- then half heartedly admits he’ll vote of him on election day because Hillary can’t be President. Yet, you can hear in his voice the unspoken swoon for Ted.

    Idiot local radio hosts do the same thing. One guy I just stopped listening to because he takes himself so seriously. Anyone who freely admits they pray and they cry over whether to vote for Trump is wandering into Beck territory wearing a bathrobe, bow tie and a tin foil hat.

    Idiot local Repub party is the same too. The guy running for Governor against Inslee is very proud to not be voting for Trump. I imagine it’s to garner votes from THIS side of the state-forgetting that the other side of the state is pretty red-and more than likely are Trump supporters.

  6. That was painful .Enough with the “you’re a good person.” She’s a dolt and a traitor.
    There are a lot of good persons who have absolutely no fucking business in a voting booth.
    Interviewer kept asking questions in English and getting answers in ding bat.

  7. I’m a good person. I supported Ted Cruz. I voted for Ted Cruz. He lost. I now support Donald Trump. Now what the fuck is so difficult about that? I’m talkin’ ta you, Ted, Regina, Jonah, Mark, Bill, Eric, Glenn, Duffus, Caitiff, George, Elitist, Smart Alec, and the fucking horse y’all rode in on.

  8. Who is funding this group? Follow the money.

    If Cruz wanted to gain some lost political capital he could come out after Labor Day and say look I have children, and I care about the county…Trump is the nominee and we need to get behind him and cut the shit out already.

  9. How can a sentient person think that a candidate dropping out and being replaced at this stage could actually work?
    It is pure delusion.
    Trump has the best name recognition the republicans have ever had.

    Go ahead, replace him and face Armageddon.
    How can you not see this?

    Hey ignant beyotch, your ship has sailed.

  10. @Moe Tom
    I’m a good person. I supported Ted Cruz. I donated to Ted Cruz. I voted for Ted Cruz. I now support Donald Trump wholeheartedly.

    Where is Cruz? If he doesn’t implore his surrogates to stop this suicide, if he doesn’t Support Trump, I will never support him again. As a matter of fact I can be his worst enemy and detractor.
    It is not too late to do the right and righteous thing.
    Do it now Ted, be the man some people said you weren’t long ago.

  11. M O N E Y is her goal. G L O B A L I S T money. Cruzsucker money. How much money did you already get from butthurt cruzers? Hope he was all you expected in the sack Regina. But then I doubt you have great expectations you deranged person you.

  12. Regina, you are clinging to him as if he was your “first” as a young woman who never had a man pay attention to you. You are now at least in your 50s. Grow the heck up. Don’t let the money corrupt your soul.

    Get emotional help and NO, you are not a good person as Rose said. She was just being nice. Exasperated but nice.

    Regina, you are displaying classic symptoms of mental issues. I’d have to listen to you much more to figure out what’s wrong with you, but actually, you are so “F’ed” up, that I couldn’t tolerate listening to you more than this interview.

  13. I understand why Ted Cruz is hurt personally. Fine. But his supporters turning into Never Trumpers is ridiculous. I have a friend (an avid listener of Glenn Beck) who believes that Trump is part of a conspiracy to throw the election to Hillary. I ask him how was it that Trump beat the other eighteen candidates in the primary. Did Hillary control the outcome? Anyway, this is a different issue but I did send him this interview. It will either soften him towards Trump or harden him more.

  14. We’re in Ohio and saw this ad once. The H and I just looked at each wondering what drunken, delusional loon dreamed up this garbage. Flat, feeble, asinine, miserable. The backlash against sleazy, slimy Ted and his sycophants will be epic.

  15. One cool thing: Negative ads just seem to make Trump stronger. He gets attacked, he goes UP in the polls. I know I like him more with every one I see. It’s a beautiful thing.

  16. The other thing all these #nevertrump people say (Beck, etc.) is they are going to work on and focus on other campaigns. Regina said that too. I wish Rose had pointed out the first and foremost way to help other GOP candidates is to not harm the guy on the top of the ticket!! Fine, don’t openly support him but don’t rip him day after day and try to harm him with all this BS. Just STFU and focus on the other campaigns!!

    How effective is it going to be for all the GOP if they put everything into chaos having Trump step down when ballots are already going out?!!

    These people are insane.

  17. Illustr8r

    Don’t even listen to afternoon a.m. radio nowadays. Medved & hannity & Todd hermann? No Thanks.

    Local repubs try too hard to be nice to libs. Can’t stand it. They stinkin’ let seattle recount how many times til gregiore won? Disgusting.

  18. Anon. I think Rose became exasperated trying to explain exactly what you suggested she should have done. She did, several times!
    Ever try making a point with a schizophrenic? One will agree with you, but the other won’t. After that interview with Rose, I can picture Regina going: “I thought I was cured, but where am I now, that I need me”?

  19. @Perspective OOf! I know! I’ve had some tweets back and forth with Todd Herman but he has become unlistenable and I don’t bother anymore. The 30/10 weight loss commercials get on my last nerve too. I’m down to Rush in the mornings and discovering new music on Spotify in the afternoons.

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