Everyone Say Cheese! – IOTW Report

Everyone Say Cheese!

Images from:

1) gigi (Frankie) Here’s my ‘Frankie on his favorite blankie’.
2) Jethro (Goat) pictures from my brother’s little farmette in WV.
3) SNS (Chickens)
4) Claudia (Sammy) Loving his chin scritch.
5) Tim-FJB (Pete) Bath Time.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

1-26 Wayback Critter Machine from 2018 – No pictures needed.
2-2 What’s That I Smell? – How does your critter act when smelling something? Food they want, food they don’t want, other critter smells on your clothes when you come home, etc.
2-9 Happy Valentine’s Day – What do you and your sweet critters get for each other?

Thanks for your wonderful pictures, contributors!

11 Comments on Everyone Say Cheese!

  1. Nice bunch, thanks, Lady C. It especially makes me happy to see how pleased Redmond and Simon are with their recentlt personalized sleeping area! Im happy for them, but also happy it isnt I that needs to clean it…

    …as for my brood, the wife lost 2 of her 5 original hens and decided she needed to refill the coop. To that end she got 5 new hatchlings last year, and theyve been an adventure because 1) everything we’d ever heard about old chickens not liking new was TRUE so we had to get a SECOND coop until they got used to each other; 2) my Schauzer didnt like the new ones and poked a hole in the throat of one of them when it grew to pullet, but my wife with great patience and care was able to bandage and care for it special until the wound healed; and 3) the hatchery pulled a fast one and slipped a ROOSTER in with our supposedly sexed squabs.

    That guy on the left is John. John is named after a human that was a little too happy to strut for the ladies, and so he is. We knew our flocks were assimilated when John tried out his newly grown-in spurs on the old hens, so we were then able to coop everyone together for the winter.

    John is also a cock in a more negative sense of the word, as roosters tend to be. We had a discussion involving a large stick I use to herd the chickens and his ass though, so now he doesnt jump at me, but the wife still had to fend him off because he randomly gets upset at nothing and attacks immediately. Those things have sharp, fithy talons so you really dont want them to break the skin, so she always carries the chicken stick around him as well.

    We may dump John this Spring as the point here was NOT supposed to be baby chicks but edible eggs, and I dont personally need any more jerks in my life, but he is pretty and has a helluva crow and he does protect the girls; plus the wife treats chickens like pets so we cant do it rationally but dependent on her feelings for him, and once she gets a home-hatched brood I bet she decides we need him forever because theyre so cute.


    …well, time will tell.

    Wintering chickens SUCKS by the way, its a lot of work for no eggs. We were talking to our Pastor last night and he and his family are Kentucky Country so they are farm pragmatic about livestock, and he told her he sold all his hens for food as they were too old to produce and he didnt want to deal with them in the cold, which kinda seemed to horrify her, but between that and the realities of these creatures, she may decide that perhaps we dont need a rooster after all.

    …we’ll see…

  2. Simon and Redmond are never contrite or embarrassed by their bad behavior. Why should they be sorry for being fascinated with what stuffs their dog beds and soft toys? Same with human gloves, socks, shoes, slippers, caps, towels, pot holders and anything else that attracts their attention inside their big house. The other day they pulled a pomegranate off the counter and ate the rind, pulp and seeds while I was outside. Three days later, they pulled down a bag of four avocados and devoured three of them while their careless owner was running errands. Looking for the missing seeds required a trip to the veterinarian, and that round trip lunch costs more than a year’s worth of avocados. They are avocado gourmands and pomegranate trenchermen, as well as entertaining Irish boyos. I expect them to slow down in about four or five years.

  3. Gigi appears to be a happy kitty. And very comfortable on her blanket.

    All pets should have their own beds, pillows, blankets, etc. Of course, they prefer sleeping on our beds. But it’s OK.


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