Farm Bureau Serving Up a Heaping Helping – IOTW Report

Farm Bureau Serving Up a Heaping Helping


Ignore the prices you see on the supermarket shelves and listen to the Farm Bureau folks.  The price of a Thanksgiving dinner for ten people is five percent lower this year.  You can feed a family gathering of ten people for a mere $58.08, cool. More

The Blaze has trouble squaring this after paying $60.00 for four to eat at McDonald’s.

8 Comments on Farm Bureau Serving Up a Heaping Helping

  1. Huh… Just bought a HyVee Thanksgiving dinner for 4 for $90. Granted it includes labor fees, but it is much smaller than what I’m used to for Thanksgiving – ham, taters, two sides, gravy and dinner rolls.

    Don’t have the time or energy to cook anymore 🙁

  2. The only people who can afford to put a beef in their freezer today are the people who raise the animals for slaughter and then are unable to find a buyer from amongst the public. So don’t try to kid me about this economy. I know bull excrement when I see it.

  3. We dropped a side and a desert from our standard Thanksgiving meal for 5. We also cut the dressing recipe in half as there were always twice as much left over than consumed In doing that it was $14 more than last year coming in at $89.


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