FCC Releases RAW ’60 Minutes’ Train Wreck Interview with Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

FCC Releases RAW ’60 Minutes’ Train Wreck Interview with Kamala Harris


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Wednesday released the raw ’60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris.

Last week it was reported that the FCC is investigating CBS’s deceptively edited 60 Minutes interview with former Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

President Trump’s FCC Chair Brendan Carr demanded that CBS hand over the unedited transcript of the infamous ’60 Minutes’ interview with Kamala Harris.

On Wednesday, the FCC released an unedited, raw version of Harris’s ’60 Minutes’ interview.

5 Comments on FCC Releases RAW ’60 Minutes’ Train Wreck Interview with Kamala Harris

  1. Good start. I think it will take someone with viseo tech savvy to audit it for omissions and splices as theyve had months now to tamper with the originals. It’s not just that she’s inarticulate, nor that her ideas are incredibly bad, it is the lengths to which a “reporting” organization went to present not what she said, but what they wanted to report that she said.


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