February 30 has been a real date at least twice in history.
By the way, if your birthday’s on the 29th, Happy Birthday! We believe in you.

February 30 has been a real date at least twice in history.
By the way, if your birthday’s on the 29th, Happy Birthday! We believe in you.
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Thank you pope Gregory!
Why is that woman in the photo topless??
My next youngest brothers 68th birthday was yesterday and my 69th birthday (the 30th anniversary of my 39th birthday, if Jack Benny could claim he was perpetually 39 so can I) is this Friday March 4th (the only day of the year that gives a command, March 4th) so every year we’re the same age for about a week. And my wife and her older sister and brother were all born in consecutive back to back years, Sept. of 1954, 55 and 56 so there’s that too. She came from a large Catholic family of 9, 6 boys and 3 girls. My in laws had 9 kids in 14 years from 1954-1968. My father in law used to brag that he had 9 kids all from the same woman.
The ads here are getting really graphic and disgusting. Yeow!
…you mean this ISN’T forever milk?
I had a receipt from a restaurant dated December 32 that I held onto for years. Didn’t know a POS terminal possessed that level of stupid before that.
It’s a wonder there isn’t a Y2K style panic every leap year…
Instead of adding 24 hours every 4 years, why don’t we simply make the first 6 hours of every January 1st “Leap Hours” that don’t register?
OK, I just noticed a flaw in my logic…DOH!
Still, there has to be a better solution?
So that means that some people are only (doing math in my head, 90 / 4 = 22.5) 23 years old? Dang, cradle robbers unite!!!
I have friends identical twins, one born on the twenty eighth the other on the twenty ninth.
Leap Year should be an international-world holiday.
Call it World Peace Day or whatever.
Any wars cease fire for the day.
black folk quit killing Asians & Whitey.
Everything is closed except hospitals, restaurants & theatres.
Also, borrow a day from January & March and give to February for equity purposes…I mean black history month right?
President Loco cares!
Mom’s doctor predicted my due date as Feb 29 but I showed up early. My sort-of-namesake, the comic strip (not the movie version) Little Orphan Annie was born on Feb 29, which is why she didn’t age much since her first appearance in 1924. (Don’t know why she had those scary empty eyes though… Little Morphine Annie?)
“I can see your brain thru them there eyes.”
Gilbert and Sullivan did this parody of leap year.
Young Frederick was not really 21 – a paradox.