Fox News Shuns Trump – IOTW Report

Fox News Shuns Trump


Fox News has not had Donald Trump on its network in over 100 days, which the paper said was part of a larger strategy to eliminate the former president as a major GOP player.

Trump’s last appearance on Fox News came April 13 on “Hannity.”

But, The Times noted, even Trump has complained his longtime friend “doesn’t seem to be paying him much attention anymore.”

The paper said Trump believes Fox’s strategy of shunning him is an effort in “effectively displacing him” from the news cycle and as de facto leader of the Republican Party.

The decision to shun Trump has been made at “the highest levels” of Fox’s parent company, and is backed by its billionaire chairman, Rupert Murdoch, and his son, company CEO Lachlan Murdoch.

Both are Republicans, but are said to have to developed a strong distaste for Trump.


24 Comments on Fox News Shuns Trump

  1. Right Now, as I’m writing this, Fox News is featuring Lawerence Jones, a black man. And CNN is running a long documentarty, called “United Shades of America”.
    I flipping back and forth and Alex Jones is talking about freedom. And that documentary wants to separate us on hate.

  2. Take note that the wanna-be operator of the “aggregate news” whatfinger also has been posting anti-Trump sentiment and has likely been compromised by the bribe-offering left as seen with FOX. Add that whatfinger is saturated with bogus and false headlines and clickbait ads which are CCP-related and paid for by that communist party.

  3. Murdoch was an Aussie lib when he bought Fox – decades ago! My gyn puts Fos next to CNN; I think to show they are twins. Both spend at least 5 min an hour on Biden’s pay to play Ukraine. Noe of the other TV’s spend more than 15 sec on Biden’s Ukraine. When Joe was telling us how great our economy both CNN and Fox used the same camera!

    When Fox made the Reagan hater Karl Marx their main pundit it should have been obvious, but clearly was not, that Fox was left.

    The Reagan hating, GWB loving, Dem Chris is clearly at home on both!

    When Karl let the cat out of the bag 1.7 years ago – GWB’s DOMINION had faked 25,000,000 UNIPARtY votes; Fox declared GWB’s puppet the winner! Fo was the first to acknowledge DOMINION had “counted the votes”!

    Murdoch Clan is openly declaring war on conservatives now. No longer sub rosa in their attacks on conservatives and ardent support of liberals; naming names: “Turtle”, Danny “eye patch”.

  4. Made a business decision. Getting sued by multiple voting machine manufacturers. Also decided Trumps false claim of a stolen was no longer supported by them.
    Jumping ship left & right from this liar’s claims.

  5. I don’t own a TV, so my exposure to Fox is limited. Only what I see on the web, and even then it would have to be something news worthy to watch. I get more info on things from people video taping and setting up their own channels. Even Fox and other medias contact amateurs who have shot news worthy video. However, I agree the media is pushing Trump out. Trump was good after Obama for 4 years, not so sure about the future for him. He should enjoy what he has left on earth, and don’t take any plane rides with Nancy.


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