Georgia Speaker Arrests GOP Senator Who Criticized His Predecessor – IOTW Report

Georgia Speaker Arrests GOP Senator Who Criticized His Predecessor


Georgia’s Republican House speaker had a GOP state senator arrested on Thursday for attempting to join fellow legislators in a convening of the state’s general assembly.

The incident occurred when Sen. Colton Moore tried to access the House of Representatives to attend Gov. Brian Kemp’s State of the State address. Footage of the incident appears to show Moore trying to enter the lower chamber while being rebuffed by Georgia State Patrol officers, who seemingly shoved the senator to the ground before detaining him.

“I have an obligation to be in that room. I represent 200,000 people in Northwest Georgia who duly elected me to be here today, and you’re hindering that,” Moore said. MORE

10 Comments on Georgia Speaker Arrests GOP Senator Who Criticized His Predecessor

  1. @ Uncle Al FRIDAY, 17 JANUARY 2025, 11:16 AT 11:16 AM

    Exactly. This isn’t the Democrat wing of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement this time. It’s the Republican establishment wing. They sense weakness on the Democrat side.

  2. So in GA, unless you kiss the ring of a deceased corrupt lawyer, you get arrested?
    GA, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.
    This young “dirty hands truck driver” just made his political career and he has Speaker Burns to thank.
    Classic, ‘hoist with one’s own petard’, situation.

  3. Background:

    House Speaker Jon Burns (R) banned Moore (R) from the House chamber last year in March (I think … it was the Spring) after Moore slammed late House Speaker David Ralston on a day when Ralston was being honored.

    In his speech, Moore called Ralston “one of the most corrupt Georgia leaders we’ll ever see” over allegations that Ralston was corrupt by delaying court cases for serious crimes that he handled when he was a lawyer.

    Burns got his feeling hurt and called Moore’s remarks “vile” and announced the ban, saying it would remain until Moore apologized.

  4. I’d like to reinforce what others have said on a previous thread. It’s high time we start holding LEO responsible for carrying out illegal and unconstitutional orders. Every last one of these Storm, I mean State, Troopers should be charged with violating this guys constitutional rights.


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