Originally a creation by Christy Hargrove, Squirrel Appreciation Day on January 21 is a day to learn about and celebrate the world’s cutest rodents. Here’s the thing about squirrels: some people hate them and say that they’re “invasive species.” But can those people leap across a space ten times the length of their body? Didn’t think so. More
More on why we should set aside one day a year to remember our fellow mammals, squirrels. Here
I do appreciate squirrels. They make great and challenging moving targets.
Plus there are tons of highly entertaining youtube videos demonstrating the undisputable fact that squirrels are smarter than human bird feeder protectors.
I’ve seen the damage they can and will do to houses and attics and the fact that outdoor seat stuffing makes great nesting materials.
Garbage bags are like outdoor dining facilities.
But they’re cute.
We had to have metal flashing put on some of the wood trim on our house because squirrels were clawing at it.
We thought we had a bunch of weeds in our gardens. Turned out they were baby oak trees from acorns squirrels had buried.
Yeah, ask P’nut about that.
^^^P’nut unavailable for comment.
Squirrels (along with opossums) while entertaining to some degree, can also be incredibly destructive. We fought them out at our farm house, always trying to get into the attic. Our neighbor put up a set of moose antlers over her front door and the squirrels have gnawed them down to nubs.
A story: I read years ago about a guy who, from time to time, would throw food out his back door to a squirrel. He and the squirrel both enjoyed it and before long it became a daily ritual. Then the man went on a trip and was gone for a week or so. The squirrel grew curious about what had happened to his regular snack, so he gnawed through the door, found many wonderous things and had his way with the house until the man returned. The squirrel now lies in an unmarked grave in the man’s back yard. The end.
Here’s Festive Nutsy The Squirrel fresh off the holiday season –
Roof rats
I thought this was some sort of day off celebrating federal employees.
A few years ago, we had a squirrel somehow find his way underneath our couch with my cat Finn sensing something was wrong and then the next thing you know the squirrel burst out from under the couch followed furiously by Finn and our golden retriever Indie towards the back door which I opened to shoo the squirrel back outside. We have lots of squirrels around here who use my rooftop as their highway from the crummy black locust trees on the east side of my house over the top to the large maple tree on the west side of my house. My border collie Kirby can hear them, and it drives him nuts. I’d still rather have squirrels than occasional visits by some neighborhood raccoons. The squirrels also hang around underneath my bird feeder in my backyard especially after the birds drop a lot of the birdseed on the ground and eat it when birds aren’t around. The city of Spokane has an urban tree removal/renewal program available of which I am qualified for to have removed at the city’s expense. They will remove these crummy, thorny black locusts this spring (I hate black locusts) and replace them with some maple trees or maybe if I get lucky an oak or better yet a black walnut tree.
Damn squirrels will shoot your dog.
JD Hasty, we need some of those to launch illegal beaners back across the Mexican border, lots and lots of trebuchets. Maybe we can have a beaner chunking contest like punkin chunkin to see how far we can launch them. As seen on the Discovery channel.
two in the freezer right now.
I have lots of squirrels around my house, black and grey squirrels mostly. The bird feeders have baffles that keep them out, but my sister and I throw out corn for them far away from the house.
But the birds like to dig through the boring bird seed to get to their favorite ones, thus there is a pile of seeds under the feeders. We need our squirrels to clean that up!
The cats like to sit at the sliding glass door to watch them and the birds (and sometimes deer, opossums, chipmunks, and raccoons). There are two steps down to the patio and sometimes the squirrels like to come up to the top step to tease the cats. Sometimes they are nose to nose with only the glass between them. That is fun to watch.
We never have had problems with wildlife coming inside or trying to nest in the walls, etc. We are surrounded by woods with plenty of places for them to live.
I discovered and named squirrels.
Had one of the condo members hang a wreath in her cabin, which was all find and pretty, except this particular one was festooned with assorted nuts. Come the offseason and there’s a squirrel in the cabin looking back out the bedroom window at passersby. The dang thing chewed its way through the floor then set about the destruction of that nutty wreath.
Yea, I had a couple squirrels do 20K worth of damage to a shake roof in one summer. I purchased one of those speedy pellet guns, which was originally frowned upon by the neighbors, and start dispatching the damn things. 3 months later my neighbors are like, hey were did you buy that pellet gun. It was a heavily wooded area. I killed a ton of squirrels.
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outa my hat!!
When is nut appreciation day? My twins want to know.
If it’s red, it’s dead.
AD/HD Highway to…look a squirrel!
The tree makers.
Pro tip catch them by accident in live traps frequently, if they are a nuisance where you live.
@Anon — I like your avatar! Thumb UP!
Side note: If you don’t empty them, live traps stop being live traps.
Harry, that’s funny as hell. Best laugh I’ve had all day.