Goofball Leftist Meme- Put a Picture of Sean Spicer Hiding in Your Bushes. – IOTW Report

Goofball Leftist Meme- Put a Picture of Sean Spicer Hiding in Your Bushes.

How stupid is the AV Club?

They say that the art piece/meme “feels like a tacit admission that all this sh!t is too much even for him.” (Meaning, Spicer can’t stand the pressure of having to be a mouthpiece for the Trump administration.)

Uhh, how is imparting your feelings on someone else a tacit admission of anything?

I’m going to make a bunch of images of Obama in the gay baths. Is that a tacit admission, by Obama, that he is gay?

This article is a tacit admission that the AV Club are a bunch of morons.

These are the same dipchits that rail against the right’s penchant for alternate facts.

ht/ illustr8r


14 Comments on Goofball Leftist Meme- Put a Picture of Sean Spicer Hiding in Your Bushes.

  1. That’s kind of funny. We could put Pocahontas’s picture at an Indian Casino, Hilary’s picture at the local 12 step program, the Lion of the Senate’s picture at the bridge over the Chapaquidick (where is spell check when I need it). There are a lot of possibilities.

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