I was banned from Twitter for creating an ‘unsafe’ environment – guy calls upon Laura Loomer to be killed and still has his account – IOTW Report

I was banned from Twitter for creating an ‘unsafe’ environment – guy calls upon Laura Loomer to be killed and still has his account

ht/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/sick-filmmaker-fantasizes-about-killing-jewish-congressional-candidate-laura-loomer-on-hanukkah/

14 Comments on I was banned from Twitter for creating an ‘unsafe’ environment – guy calls upon Laura Loomer to be killed and still has his account

  1. Anonymous
    DECEMBER 22, 2019 AT 2:12 PM
    “It’s a “film maker.” They are exempt from all rules of normal society.”

    …like being a liberal “comedian”, right? Like,”Hey guys, where I stood on a stage and called for murdering people I disagree with? Just a JOKE, ha-ha!”

    …there’s a change coming, and I don’t think they’ll live long enough to find it funny when it DOES…

  2. The problem with conservatives is they need to be made extremely uncomfortable to react. Another problem with conservatives is once they get started, they are not going to stop. Congratulations asshole. You got your name on “The List”.

    Boogaloo, Virginia, January 2020.

  3. When hate speech is a thing, certain people decide what speech is hate speech. Who those people are and what they deem as hate speech is a moving target. That’s by design. It’s suppose to make you a kinder person, a kinder person who has authority to spew speech that’s not designated as hate speech. If you don’t control the levers then shut up and fall in line, comrade.

  4. What these a-holes don’t get is they are jumping the “gun”…meaning they haven’t taken our guns away and are already openly espousing the murders of groups they disagree with.
    Like anonymous said above – Virginia is the test.


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