@MarinaMedvin The Japanese build fire defense systems into their properties. Amazing.
And this guy from Italy says:

info on Tuff stones
@MarinaMedvin The Japanese build fire defense systems into their properties. Amazing.
And this guy from Italy says:
info on Tuff stones
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….well…we DID give them a lot of practice…
Yea well, that Japanese fire defense system looks pretty nifty and I’m sure it works well. Unless your city manager, whom is making 750K a year, forgets to refill the water supply. There’s no getting around stupid.
I just Googled the Tokyo fire chief and pulled up the image. What I saw was a serious, tough and slightly angry looking MAN.
The Japanese society is far worse off when it comes to masculinity than we are. In fact they admit there’s a crisis with their young men because they no longer want to have sex with women.
I also read a very interesting article on Zuckerberg and his sudden move to the right. Seems old Zuk has gotten into the MMA stuff. Well a year ago or so he screwed up a knee pretty badly. Bad enough it required a stay in the hospital. While in the hospital the ran a blood panel on him including Testo levels. Turns out Mr. Facebook is bouncing off zero testosterone. So he goes on TRT and 6 months later his friends are reporting they notice his voice getting much deeper. Next thing you know he’s flirting with hot women. And then the move politically. I dunno. Could all be bull shit, but it’s kind of interesting. I’ll post it if I can find it again.
They are running scared. I was driving my daughter to school and the news media is really pushing that the elected and appointed officials were caught unprepared narrative. Looks like word has come down that there is no saving their worthless asses and the case is being pushes for all its worth that certain individuals were naïve and made poor choices. In other words, that’s the best they think they can get at this point. What they don’t want to become the prevailing sentiment is that they are malevolent pricks who deliberately and systematically set this scenario up.
I caution anyone against accepting anything that is being pushed as hard as the naïve and dumb narrative being anything other than it being the least troublesome aspects of what they brought to their rolls.
The Hegseth grilling today is producing comedy that SNL will never match. GWP has a bunch of it. Hilarious stuff.
A very basic engineering question has always been, how do we make it idiot proof? And the answer is always the same, remove the idiot.
In Japan every able man goes to the fire line. Pre organized gov’t fire agencies, the sheriffs would round up every man they could find including those in the bar. If you can carry a shovel or use a garden hose you can fight fire. Every year there are those who refuse to evacuate and end up saving not just their house but the neighbors too. Just happened again. There should be an “opt out” of evacuation orders so the firemen don’t have to worry about saving your life if you decide to stay. Just like the occupations where we’re told to leave it to the experts we have been led to believe only firemen can fight fires.
Using fireboats to pump water to shore. Using salt water on fires, etc. Good points.
Japan and Italy may have fire defense mechanisms, but we have fuck Joe Biden.
Game, set,
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 15:50 at 3:50 pm
“A very basic engineering question has always been, how do we make it idiot proof? And the answer is always the same, remove the idiot.”
…very early in my factory career, I was at a discussion about how to make something that a low-skilled operator couldnt mess up, as one such had recently found a novel way to do some fairly expensive damage. Skipping the details, it finally ended with the engineer telling the plant manager “I can make it idiot-proof, but I cant make it FUCKING idiot proof”.
…and now, at the other end of 3 decades of programming and HMI building experience with operators from literally all over the world, I can safely confirm the absolutely invincible truth of that statement.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 15:28 at 3:28 pm
The Japanese society is far worse off when it comes to masculinity than we are. In fact they admit there’s a crisis with their young men because they no longer want to have sex with women.”
…and thats probably the LEAST gross description.
….here’s a short video on the dangers of “Metal Fever”…
We have a friend who is required to travel there quite often. The Japanese business culture is a little weird. They think they’re responsible for entertaining you 24-7. On Friday and Saturday nights you will find all the hot spots in the major cities filled to the brim with 35 and under things dressed as Furbies.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 17:03 at 5:03 pm
“…35 and under things dressed as Furbies.”
…perhaps the robots are a better choice after all, assuming they have an OFF switch…
“…perhaps the robots are a better choice after all, assuming they have an OFF switch…”
I’m pretty sure there’s a joke in there somewhere about asking the robot to jack you off. LOL
What you two are not factoring into the conversation is the funding increases the government is committed to make in order to build better idiots.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 17:10 at 5:10 pm
“I’m pretty sure there’s a joke in there somewhere about asking the robot to jack you off. LOL”
…Jacking OFF?
…Jacking ON, however…
My experience is when designing around idiots, the sky is the limit. We built, and thankfully did not design, a lock out system for an auto punch press. The design incorporated to lock out switches approx 36 inches apart that had to be depressed by both hands and then the punch was trigger by a foot pedal. Well this out fit hired this little Asian lady that was talented enough to depress one of those lock out switches with the heel of her foot leaving one hand free. She lost three finger right at the first knuckle. Smashed paper thing. There wasn’t even any blood. Just lots of screaming.
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 17:24 at 5:24 pm
“What you two are not factoring into the conversation is the funding increases the government is committed to make in order to build better idiots.”
…well, I kinda glanced at it indirectly when I said “operators from literally all over the world” since we all know how THAT happened, but you are right, give the devil and his government their due…
two, damn it. Don’t want to get that spelling Nazi all fired up
Tuesday, 14 January 2025, 17:33 at 5:33 pm
…one thing I hate is OEMs who think a light curtain is all the protection they need. Someone breaks it, machine stop!
Except it doesnt know which side someones on after they break it.
…we had this one guy who wanted to clean a particular area for some reason while the line was at break, and to that end he walked through the light curtain guarding an area completed pallets normally come out of which estopped the currently abandoned line, then he hunkered down behind the build pallet and went to work, out of sight of the operator station.
Meanwhile, the line came back in and the operator noted it was shut down; but glancing over it there was nothing amiss and with no service doors open and no lockouts, he restarted the line.
Thankfully, he was looking in the right direction when the startled sanitor popped up over the build pallet, well within the normal arc of the large Fanuc 410’s tooling.
The operator slammed the panel Estop before the fool could win a Darwin award and a supervisor took him for his exit interview since it was a pretty egregious LOTO violation that could EASILY have got him killed, and you cant run a food line if its spattered in human blood for some reason so we didnt need scam like that.
Im told at some point then thst dude made one of the stupidest statements imaginable about 1600 kg of cast iron arm capable of moving at 195 degrees a second that was inside a locked enclosure because it had no sensors for detecting humans that werent supposed to be there:
“That couldnt hurt me, could it”?
…naaah, buddy, Im SURE that 20 feet of motor driven steel arm wouldnt hurt you a BIT. Well, maybe a little, but not for long since youll be too busy being dead a nanosecond later to worry about being hurt.
…people got some goofy ideas about robots watching cartoons and Star Wars I think, that bears little resemblance to indistrial robots. They are more Terminator than R2 in their unstoppability, except they dont care as much as the terminator because they dont care at ALL. It is told to move from A to B and if your skull is between A and B it will remove it without thought or notice and just keep running until someone realizes theres human organs with cases of product neatly stacked on top of them.
Lots of times the kids dont respect or even understand motion physics until physics harshly introduces itself to them. until it does, some of them will always regard safety devices as a challenge to be beaten and not an earnest attempt to save them from their own stupidity.
As soon as you make something idiot-proof, along comes a bigger idiot.
One of my favorite sayings when someone does something dumb at work is “Somewhere, a toll booth is missing it’s operator”.