Judge In CNN Defamation Case Orders Outlet’s Lead Counsel To Apologize To U.S. Navy Vet – IOTW Report

Judge In CNN Defamation Case Orders Outlet’s Lead Counsel To Apologize To U.S. Navy Vet


CNN’s lead counsel was forced to apologize to U.S. Navy veteran Zachary Young on Thursday morning for repeatedly calling him a liar during the defamation trial against the outlet.

Judge William Henry ordered CNN’s lead counsel, David Axelrod, on Wednesday to apologize to Young for calling him a “liar” throughout the trial. Axelrod argued Young had maintained a security clearance after CNN released a report that allegedly falsely accused Young of exploiting Afghans seeking evacuation from Afghanistan on a “black market.” Young testified that he lost work as a result of the allegedly defamatory report due to the use of the term “black market.” Jurors were shown a defense contract that Young had that expressly prohibited involvement in “black markets.” read more

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