The incoming Trump administration is planning a large-scale immigration raid in Chicago next week, according to four people familiar with the planning, the first move in President-elect Donald Trump’s promised mass deportation campaign.
The raid is expected to begin on Tuesday morning, a day after Trump is inaugurated, and will last all week, the people said. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will send between 100 and 200 officers to carry out the operation. more
please include judge Juan marchon in the deportation
Let Operation GTFO commence post haste!
Don’t telegraph your intentions. Sheesh. This is like the Oakland mayor who warned the illegals they better hide, and she got away with it.
get bragg, merchan-dise, crimesha foxx, dickwrinkle/preckwinkle, crimeh-raoul @ the same time
Why are people upset about illegal aliens being forced out of the country? It’s not like there are millions upon millions of them…….
The only people who will be hurt by this will be the ones employing them at slave labor rates.
Sunday, 19 January 2025, 12:05 at 12:05 pm
“Don’t telegraph your intentions.”
…I doubt President Trump DID, or meant to. This is just proof he is going to have to deal with backstabbing. treasonous moles again THIS time as satan’s minions are heavily salted through the ENTIRE Federal Government and will do their master’s bidding no matter how illegal it may be or who it may cause to get injured or killed.
Just like last time, President Trump will have no secrets and nothing he says is classified actually will be treated as such.
Unless he starts hanging these bastards, very quickly and very publicly.
Thats the -only- thing that will get their attention…
May be paused due to leak of the plan.
large-scale? the ghettopotamus-types are going first?
Good luck separating the Chicago criminal thugs (who have no I.D.) from the Illegal immigrant criminal thugs.
On second thought deport them both to Venezuela, Pakistan or Syria.
Take that fat slob JB with them
I’m laughing as I read the WSJ says this “news” is based on “4 people familiar with the plan”
There are about 80 millions who are “familiar” with the plan, and it’s what we EXPECT from POTUS Trump, the DHS and ICE. If it weren’t a federal holiday on Monday, the plan would have been gone into effect a day earlier.
(Besides, aren’t we all clued in by now about the MSM and their own fabricated leaks?)
their leaks can be identified by the rusty zippers & yellow tennis shoes
I filed this under “Bombshell Report” bullshit the MSM puts out. Fuck them.
They’er just a hand-full of undocumented “dreamers”..
more from 1208: alvin b. & the chipmunks
Dang. Forgot to get a s**t load of popcorn for this administration.
Let’s see… Maybe 10-20 bags of popcorn a day. Times 365. Times 4 years – bare minimum time frame of TDS related events. Likely years longer, if he’s effective.
So… beep beep boop drrrr ding!
I’ll need to procure 14,600 to 29,200 bags of popcorn over the next 4 years. No Account for the following years.
I think it best to get a good price now before demand outstrips supply in a few months.
200,000 popcorn bags it is.
Maybe my friends need some too. Smiles abound!
Maybe we should form a “Popcorn Cartel”, so we never run out while watching all the winning coming up?
we’ll know something effective is happening when the number of weekly shootings go down
Why the delay?
If it wasn’t for this damn cold front, I would drive down to the border and watch them fling the illegals over the wall.