Rare snowfall in Athens-
Snowfall forecast for Libya-
Thursday saw heavy rains and a marked decrease in temperature.
Residents now face the possibility of snow on the heights of the region this evening.
Terrible storm of snow in Istanbul-
See More at ICE AGE NOW
It gets warm, it gets cold. We need more global warming! It’s called weather people. HELLO!
That global warming is gonna freeze you!
c1922 Libya highest recorded world temp 136.4 F still not beaten !!!!! GW is a hoax
You guys are all safe, it will be 87 in Guam tomorrow, and we are at 12North.
They got 4 inches of the white stuff? That’s not even a light dusting here.
Somebody post videos of them crashing their cars and falling down due to the icy conditions and then I will take interest.
Found one:
I think “OPA” means “dumbass” in greek.
While searching, I found that snow occurs in Athens every few years or so. I guess the climate DOES change.
Hell will freeze over before Trump wins the presidency.
Wait. What?
Hell should’ve frozen over twice by now, first with the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series and then Trump winning the Presidency.
@Geoff Well Libya froze, close enough for government work.
Gore must be traveling around lately.