Longitudinal Study Of Metabolism Yields Surprising Stability – IOTW Report

Longitudinal Study Of Metabolism Yields Surprising Stability


The study, of 6,400 people, from eight days old up to age 95, in 29 countries, suggests the metabolism remains “rock solid” throughout mid-life.

It peaks at the age of one, is stable from 20 to 60 and then inexorably declines.

Researchers said the findings gave surprising new insights about the body. More

27 Comments on Longitudinal Study Of Metabolism Yields Surprising Stability

  1. Horse hockey!
    After 40 it declines fairly steadily.
    Metabolism slows and the body needs less nourishment for day to day activity.
    It becomes more efficient as well, which is good if your food supply is limited.
    However, most people have 100,000 calories available within arms reach in their pantry and fridge. No chance of starvation.

    Ten years ago I could eat 3000 calories a day and not gain an ounce.
    Now if I eat 2500 a day I will gain weight.

  2. Yeah, that study is pretty much horseshit.

    One of the great strides we have made off late is in the fields of nutrition and longevity. I just finished this;


    There are some pretty interesting experts in this field on both Rogan podcasts and Lex Fridman podcasts, broken into short segments. David Sinclair, Peter Attia, Rhonda Patrick, Pavel Tsatsouline, if sedentary, over weight or just have bad genes, there are a number of things you can do now to not only increase longevity but vitality in your remaining years.

  3. People in general were not fat and sporting huge guts until the last few decades. Go look at beach footage from the 60s, 70s. Getting away from eating real food at home and the introduction of cheap processed food. Even most kids are fat today.

  4. Ask your friends and neighbors to join you on a hike, a bike ride, or going to the gym. Their answer is why they have no metabolism. My crippled up old ass is going out of this world fighting, not dying on the couch. Sure, exercise is hard, but it makes everything else in life easier when you get stronger.

  5. There was a time when 250 was morbidly obese, and 350 was considered circus-act weight.

    I’ve never been able to gain weight for shit. My highest was 155, eating like a tonka truck, and lifting weights 7 days a week. I felt terrible all the time.

    My normal weight was 145 until I did a road repair job with a shovel and a wee tractor. I lost 10 pounds 2 years ago and never got it back.

    BTW my clothing measurements never changed from 135 to 155. I wear the same stuff I wore in the early 1990s.

  6. Quite so, Brad. Keep doing it. And workouts like pushups, pull ups, sit ups, dips. As long as you aren’t hurting yourself.

    “How the hell do I get up to 10 pull ups?”

    “Well, by doing one, one day. And by doing 2 the next week….”

  7. Besides lifting weights, as we get older you need to keep an eye on your daily protein intake. I know several people who became weak simply because they weren’t getting enough protein at mealtimes, and their body was taking it from what little muscle they had left.

  8. You gotta pound the proteins. I’ve been lifting weights since Christ was A Kid. The older you get, the more important the perfection of the rep. DO NOT CIRCUIT TRAIN. Do a three day slit. day one, chest and shoulders, day two, shoulders and legs, day three, back and Biceps. Ultimately you should be in the gym slightly over an hour. With no talking.

  9. ‘I feel bad for Brad’s triceps being neglected…’
    If you saw them you wouldn’t LOL. Yea I kind of screwed that up. I like train tris the day after chest.

  10. refuse/resist

    Yea so if you didn’t hear it here I got throat cancer and due to the radiation my shit changed. Probably for the better. I spent the former part of my life being a BMF that loved throwing heavy weights. We can’t do that anymore. So hears were I am. If it takes me to long to recover I need to back off the weight. Drop the weight. do rest pause. Do a weight you’re comfortable doing for over 12 reps and build off of that. Been doing this for a while. If anybody want’s some encouragement or advise please hit that sexy bitch MJA up for my contact info. LOL

  11. For those that are sedentary and hate going to the gym, I recommend a fairly cheap home workout routine.

    Buy a door-jamb pull-up bar. $20-30 bucks.
    Buy a few dumbbells off of Craigslist.
    People who are moving sell them all the time.
    Hard to cart weights around.
    They are expensive at the store so beware!

    Depending on your strength, get 20s 30s 40s and perhaps a single 50,60 & 70.
    You don’t need every 5 lb increment.
    You can also get the adjustable type but those kinda suck.

    Keep the weights near the couch!!!
    VERY IMPORTANT! Out of sight out of mind!

    Every night focus on a single body part, or a compound body movement.
    Spend 15-20 minutes max.
    Why so brief? That way you won’t blow it off.

    Do it before dinner or an hour or two after.
    It will wake you up so you don’t just pass out watching TV.

    Do pull ups and leg raises every 4 to 8 days.
    If you do them every night you get diminishing returns and become bored.
    I wouldn’t do ANY exercise every single night, variety!

    How about the dumbbell exercises?
    YouTube liberals suck ass but there are COUNTLESS variety of videos online for dumbbell workouts.
    There is an exercise with dumbbells for every body part.

    VARIETY & BREVITY will keep you interested, so try different things and keep it short.

    Seriously, the thing that keeps many from working out is the chore of GOING to the gym.
    In addition to home workouts go for a walk, hike, bike ride, etc.
    Do body weight exercises as well, push-ups, dips on a table or chair, etc.
    Rubber bands can be used but I find the resistance range is very uneven.

    Working out at home can indeed be productive.
    Remember, variety & brevity.
    You can do it.

    -LOCO- out…

  12. As for muscle soreness, DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, I cherish that.
    Anywhere from 12 to 72 hours.
    You have to let a muscle heal if you tax it enough and tear down the muscle fibers to stimulate growth.

    However, usage or age related soreness is not desirable.

  13. I wish my metabolism would slow down. Well, careful for what I wish for, eh? Always been a skinny puke my whole life, no amount of exercise or eating has ever changed that. I’m tall, so not exactly a little fucker but more like a string bean. Somehow I remain strong, but things are getting harder and harder and I find myself resting more and more. At 48 I still go out and do stuff I did in my early 20s and don’t really notice it until later on. Definitely more careful, I’m plenty familiar what the inside of a hospital looks like for several weeks strung together.

  14. Diagnosed w/ DM 2 ten years ago. A1c was 13.8. Went on a high protein/low carb diet, reduced my alcohol intake, began exercising every day after breakfast. Dr prescribed Metformin.
    Three months later I had lost nearly 20 lbs and A1c was 6.9.

  15. I am currently over 300lbs , went from 320 down to 212 in 2018 then had a stranguleted umbilical hernia. I need to drop the weight again badly. cant seem to get the initial start. Same as last time, I kept putting it off but once I got the first setup down, I kept at it. Need to make it happen.

  16. Michael, the fact that you’ve done it before means you have the ability.
    You didn’t get to 300+ overnight.
    It’s calories in/calories out…bottom line.

    And don’t listen to Brad, you don’t need to workout in the gym 3 out of every 4 days. That kind of thinking just discourages folks.

    Chose a plan you can stick with and go from there.
    Diet can mean a temporary thing or a lifestyle.

    Move the bad things you eat from the “often” column into the “seldom” column.
    This is key!
    Good luck!


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