Mexico will not allow the United States to send Mexican migrants to Guantanamo Bay and prefers to receive them directly instead, Mexico’s foreign minister said on Tuesday.
The Mexican government sent a diplomatic note to the U.S. embassy in Mexico saying such, according to Foreign Minister Juan Ramon de la Fuente.
The U.S. on Tuesday sent the first military aircraft carrying a handful of detained migrants to the naval base in Cuba, with U.S. President Donald Trump promising to expand the site to hold up to 30,000 migrants. Here
That works, just so long as they GTFOH
Mexico Declares It Won’t Allow Its Illegals to be Sent to Guantanamo ”
Unless of course Donald Trump threatens us with tariffs again. Then it’s OK.
Our military has recon planes over Mexico right now mapping the hell out of the Cartels and listening to their phone conversations.
I’m wondering how Mexico is able to back up their threat…
Apparently they still have zero clue concerning Trump.
They are trying to save face. They know Trump is advancing constantly and not interested in holding anything except the the bastard’s balls. He’s going to hold them by his balls and kick them in the ass; twist their balls and kick the living shit out of them until they scream uncle.
They are trying to save face with their own people and survive. What they fear is that what they see going on in Argentina and America will come visit them. They, like the Democrats are consummate bullies. Once someone stands up to them it is contagious and they know it. They also know that unless they want to be squashed like a cockroach, they has not try and pull some shit on their own people like their fellow jerkoffs have pulled. Try that shit and Trump will say: You’re fired.
Get this shit handled so that Mexicans go straight to Mexico and use that as a wedge to get the Mexican government to get busy cleaning up it’s act pronto or they are going to be next on the chopping block.
Be a shame if Mexico was made beautiful again. You know, where the Mexican people didn’t put up with their corrupt government and changed it into somewhere nice.
I don’t think Mount Rushmore is going to be big enough for a trump monument in history. Can we see about carving the Moon into something really meaningful.
And just exactly what are they going to do about it when illegals are sent to Gitmo?
u got nothing to say about it, mofos
The Art of the Deal. This was President Trump’s plan.
Yah, guess again Pedro.
I’d release them to Mexico with the caveat that if they illegally cross the border again, they’ll be sent home in a box.
Save Gitmo for the democrats calling for violence in the streets.
One wonders if some of those worst criminals might actually be part of the military or government of Mexico. Perhaps they are worried they will reveal information that would prove this was all an act of war….just saying I mean USAID has been used for that level of fuckery…undoubtedly others do similar.
Spicial Forces
Preemptive saber rattling to save the Cartel leadership from Gitmo and and their $Millions of bribes.
They didn’t care where they went when they let them walk through their country to get here.
I’m close with ya there, Merry Poppet (2:52pm).
If Mexico wants their “citizens” (actually, serfs & slaves) back SOOOOO bad, then they’ll hand receipt sign for them by name.
Then they’d best keep track of them to make SURE they don’t come north of the border ever again.
‘Cause if those same serfs are ever caught north in the US of A again, those same serfs may never EVER be seen again. At least not alive.
Fields gotta be fertilized. Worms, buzzards and fish gotta eat.
What is Mexico going to do about it? Invade Columbus New Mexico? They tried that once and it didn’t work out so well for them.
if they don’t want us to ship them to gitmo, they should send planes to pick them all up.
Don’t worry Mexico, Gitmo is just a refueling stop on the way to South America. You can help by chipping in for their reasonably priced incarceration…
Oops, make the destination Central America. my bad…
I don’t know why we’re flying them anywhere.
Make em walk … or swim …