Michigan County Votes to Hand-Count Ballots Instead of Using Dominion Machines – IOTW Report

Michigan County Votes to Hand-Count Ballots Instead of Using Dominion Machines

Headline USA- The Michigan county that discovered hundreds of votes for former president Donald Trump had been switched to votes for President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election has decided to stop using Dominion Voting Systems and instead hand-count every ballot in an upcoming primary.

Antrim County commissioners voted unanimously over the weekend to hand count the votes of a May 4 primary.

County clerk Sheryl Guy had proposed spending $5,080 to hire consultants to prepare Dominion’s voting machines, but the commissioners argued that reprogramming the machines amidst an ongoing lawsuit involving Dominion would violate a judge’s order. more

10 Comments on Michigan County Votes to Hand-Count Ballots Instead of Using Dominion Machines

  1. ” …. and instead hand-count every ballot in an upcoming primary.”

    That’s a wise decision and one that should be followed by every county and district in every State in this country.

  2. In her brief to the court after being sued by dominion, Syd Powell is saying that her speech after the election was just political rhetoric.
    I don’t know what to make of this. She has several experts who have stated on the record that their studies showed the machines changed votes.
    Maybe she just is using this tactic to end the trial.
    Or maybe it’s payback to trump’s team for throwing her under the bus. She was treated horribly by them, maybe she figures she can get back at them like this.
    I don’t know but i don’t really like that she isn’t just backing up her claims that she made after the election.
    Or maybe she thinks the servers have been wiped so long ago that she can’t get discovery and it will make it hard to prove anything. Who knows.


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