Middle East Problem Simple To Understand – Arabs Want Israelis Dead – IOTW Report

Middle East Problem Simple To Understand – Arabs Want Israelis Dead

I’ve been having this argument with people for decades.

When my halfwit progressive brother tried to explain the middle east, making Israel the bad guy, I stopped him and laughed and said, “you’re either too stupid to understand a very simple truth or you hate Jews. Which is it?”

Prager lays it our succinctly.

Arabs want Israelis dead. That’s the entire middle east problem.

If Israel announced they were laying their guns down forever, Israel would be attacked and slaughtered until every last Jew was dead.

If the Arabs surrounding Israel announced they were laying their guns down forever, there would be peace in the middle east.


Who do you side with, AND WHY?


13 Comments on Middle East Problem Simple To Understand – Arabs Want Israelis Dead

  1. One example: Instead of building new schools and hospitals or something to benefit humanity , the idiot Palestinians build tunnels trying to reach Jewish cities for a sneak attack.

  2. To anyone that appreciates history, it is truly amazing that a nation that was created some 3,000 years ago and ceased to exist as a sovereign nation / state about 1,900 years ago was reconstituted as a sovereign nation / state in 1948. Israel is the only such instance in all of history.

    In the Bible, God said that in the latter days He would gather the Jews back together in the land He had promised them from where He had scattered them (the four corners of the earth). God also told us through the prophets that Jerusalem would be a burden to any nations that seek to harm Israel / Jerusalem.

    If there is no God, why is Jerusalem still the focal point of modern enmity from so many people and nations against God’s chosen people (the 12 tribes of Israel now represented by the Jews) some 3,000 years after King David ruled Israel? I read that one well known atheist said that the one thing that really concerned him about being an atheist was that Israel had been reestablished as a nation just as the Bible foretold – to his mind, this was not a “logical” possibility. I think he is right to be concerned.

  3. Yes, it’s THAT simple.

    All the massive amount of noise, chatter and BS we hear is equivocation from the apologists and SJWs. The latter of whom are “down with the Palestinian cause” because they get to wear a cool looking scarf.

  4. Breaking news!
    Guess what? They want Westerners dead too, but there are too many of us right now so they’ll just continue to chip away at that nagging problem while these arab-supremist iSlamonazis work towards their final solution of World conquest and domination. They’ve only been at it for 1400 years, so what’s another millennium or two…

  5. What Bubba’s Brother said plus the ancient Ishmael vs Isaac conflict. Ishmael was not the son promised by God to be born to Abraham and Sarah, but the result of what was thought to be a great idea at the time– Sarah’s giving her Egyptian handmaiden Hagar to Abraham to produce a son due to impatience and her own advancing age. Ishmael was prophesied in Genesis 16:11-12 to be “like a wild donkey. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; he will live at odds with all his brothers.” Ishmael is the patriarch of the Arab nations. Isaac is the true, promised heir of Abraham, the son of God’s covenant with Abraham, and a patriarch of the Jewish people. Abraham was referred to as “the friend of God” and he was told specifically that God would “bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you” in Genesis 12. I stand with Israel. Period.

  6. It is simple to understand. And Israel is just the tip of the iceberg. It is an island of Western Civilization, surrounded by a sea of Muslim barbarism, willing to die (and everyone else with them), to get back to the 7th century, when the area was ruled by warlords (Mohammad and his minions).

    Now that the Muzzies are invading Europe, it is plain to see that total destruction of Western Civilization is the ultimate goal, along with the re-establishment of Shariah Law and the Caliphate. ALL of the West has to fight back to this existential threat. Israel, or the USA, cannot do it alone.

  7. Israel, I stand with Israel.
    There are no such things as Palestinians.
    They are the children of Bedouin Arab tribes who stayed in Israel because the Jews started making the place livable.
    The happiest Arabs in the Middle East are the Israeli Arabs. Good water, infrastructure, and a stable government.
    Screw the Bedouins.
    Jordan offered them sanctuary, they repaid it by plotting to assassinate the King.
    Screw the Bedouins.
    I stand with Israel

  8. I stand with Israel for now and forever.

    What other Nation would allow their neighboring countries to use rockets, mortars, suicide bombers, knifings and destruction against their civilians? None.

    Yet Israel has been a model of restraint and has been condemned as the aggressor by the UN security council at the request of Obama and his muslim financiers.

    We’re getting rid of Obama, now is the time to
    Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

  9. History has shown again and again that every time someone has set out to destroy Israel have themselves been destroyed, instead, and often by a third party. Germany tried it last, and two diametrically opposed nations–the USA and the USSR–joined forces to crush them.

    I think Someone (looks up into the sky in awe) is looking out for Israel.

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