Moochell Obama’s Final Scorecard As First Lady – IOTW Report

Moochell Obama’s Final Scorecard As First Lady

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: As we on the right recognized long ago, Michelle Obama has been one of the worst First Lady’s ever. Sure she could be charming and well spoken when she needed to be, but we could see through the facade and saw the angry black woman. Liberals are falling all over themselves to praise her in these final days, and they keep saying her ratings are through the roof. We see her for who she really is, someone who has really done nothing to help America.
Michelle Obama is put up on a pedestal by the black community for no other reason than being First Lady. According to The Root here are the five of the things Michelle did that the liberals say were her best moments:
1. Launching the Let’s Move! Initiative 
2  Becoming BFFs With Beyoncé 
3. Taking a Chance on a Guy Who Made Less Money Than She Did 
4. Hosting an African Dance Class at the White House 
5. Rocking, Like, a Thousand Different Hairstyles

14 Comments on Moochell Obama’s Final Scorecard As First Lady

  1. “The 10 Blackest Things Michelle Has Ever Done,”

    Rumor has it one of those things still resides in George Washington’s toilet because they haven’t found a plumber brave enough to go kill it. Let the fumigation begin.

  2. Mooch did cause some advances in the adhesive industry with his call for a stronger dick tape.
    Think about that the next time you have trouble peeling off a piece of duct tape.

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