Blaze: Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts tossed out insults against tech entrepreneur Elon Musk and called for activists to fight against him “in the streets.”
Pressley was flanked by other Democrats including Rep. Maxine Waters of California at a protest against Musk gaining access to data records at the Treasury Department.
“This is an unprecedented moment and unconstitutional crisis, but we will match their energy!” said Pressley. “With unprecedented organizing, mobilizing, agitating, we will see you in the courts, in Congress, [and] in the streets!” more here
Come to my street if you choose an insurrection.
Democrat Marxists/Communists (DNC) encouraging ANTI-Fa-La Te-Doe to destroy democrat inner cities, again.
See if that shit flys.
She’s not the only one that wants a street fight. And they’ve always wanted that fight. They won’t be happy until they get that fight. It’s inevitable. It’s got to happen. Afterwords, maybe they’ll STFU.
They are scared of what is being exposed. Plain and simple.
Since Mexico wants all of its felons back let’s just send them all of ours along with them.
More frightening news. Scrappy Dikes are coming for you.
He’s a dirty one,
Mr. Clean.
He dindu nuffin’,
Be spiffy like,
and he only want to,
dick us …
– Grinch
in terms of “scrappy little dykes” …
Touch me in the morning,
then just touch me again.
You don’t have to swallow …
“… an unprecedented moment and unconstitutional crisis …”
A moment that had no moments prior? Really?
An “unconstitutional crisis?” Really? Then who GsAF?
If the “crisis” has nothing to do with the Constitution, then why are members of the Legislature barking about it? And what is the “crisis”, specificallly?
Somebody throw that thing a bone …
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Uh, I guess she musta forgot. With Musk’s team stopping the payments, there won’t be money to deploy her agitating minions. Does she think an antifa-er is going to buy his own umbrella?! And what about those contractors who deliver pallets of bricks? They don’t work for free, either.
the best part is Antifags only protest in Blue cities so burn the cesspools down and ask me if I care. Try that shit in Texas or Florida and watch those perverts get their just reward really quickly!
Cue Ball should be arrested for inciting an insurrection as this speech is 50x times more than Trump ever did for J6
dindu-potamus gots to run its piehole
Wow. Talk about being “over the target”.
This is like standing in the doorway of a ghetto bodega and turning on the light only to find that the cockroaches are all on steroids and were throwing a cocaine and meth party.
I know she gots a receding hairline, but can’t she just comb over her back hair?
So what? The rules of engagement have undergone a paradigm shift since the last time you pulled this shit.
Bring it on!
“Mr Clean”
Thanks. Just laughed my ass off and
now I need to go find it
Have you noticed that the frenzied frantic faux-furious Dems keep referring to Mr. Musk as billionaire Elon Musk and never stop to think that one of the big reasons that Elon IS a billionaire is because the U.S. govt has given him a shit-ton of money over the years, mostly for contracts fulfilled on time and under budget?
And at the same time state and federal entities keep illegally canceling signed contracts for StarLink. Because they hate Musky. He didn’t default on the contracts and they are liable. I hope he takes the time to sue the shit out of them.
I live in a semi remote area and picked up Starlink a couple months ago. The shit rocks. I quote at home and need to download huge files. Previously had Hughes Net. What a joke. We have fiber optics at work. Starlink is almost as fast. A very cool product.
M L milk-dud head….