The National Environment Research Council (NERC) thought it would be a good idea to let the public name their new 200 million UK pound polar research vessel.
“We’re looking for an inspirational name that exemplifies the work it will do.”
To their credit, there were some reasonable suggestions like the David Attenborough, Endeavor and Falcon, but the public came up with some pretty goofy names too.
The poll closed Saturday after receiving 7,000 suggestions and 124,000 votes.
“The Boondoggle”
izlamo delenda est …
I once knew a sailor once named Boaty McShitface.
Convincing evidence that the average person should just be named Dumbfuck McDumbfuckface.
Rule No. 1: never, ever let the public vote on names for your new research ship, or pubic building, or anything. There are lots of people like me who would vote for Boaty McBoatFace without blinking an eye.
Not that that’s a bad thing.
Red Herring
Phallus Sea
If the British built this I would name it “This Side Up”. Just sayen.
Boaty McBoatface
The HMS Environmental Grant Whore
Name it after Hillary, Cunty McCuntface
Truth Denier
HMS What Sea Ice
What I see from the voting is a populace pissed off at the boondoggle of waste going to this ship while their country is going to shit in a hand-basket.
We can name the ship? Great! Boaty McBoatface motherfucker!
Oh, we all voted and the ship will be named by Mr. Johnson?
Then what the fuck was the voting for, idiot!
The “Scam Can”
I don’t see a problem with that name.
There’s government again, asking for input from the populace and then disenfranchising them. Boaty McBoatface should win. I
How about Floater?
Michelle Obimadude
Frigid bitch
Seven Seas Sharia Surfer
U.S.S. Embarrassment.
HMS Embarrassment. It’s British
Whenever an undesirable stray would come around we’d find it a home or it’s off to the shelter. The boys would beg to name them.
They knew not to get attached to it if I said: It’s name is ‘That dog we used to have”
At some point it’s going to be given up on.
Let’s call it “That ship that used to do environmental research”
Pole Dancer.
Vot do I vin?
Da Ferkin’ NERC
HMS Pinafore.
When they went to name the Skyway bridge in NW Ohio, they had a contest for the name. One of the contributions was “Monkey Poop Fling Bridge”. I still call it that. It works
Bob Frapples, you are a sick MoFo. Welcome.
so….first we let people think they’re voting…..then we pretend their vote counts……then we do what we want…..
sounds familiar….can’t place it……memory is failing me……
getting old is not for sissies……….
i’m a sissie……always have been……sigh………
but really…..i would prefer shippy macshipface……cause of it’s too big to be a boat……or else because “ship” sounds much more like…..
dagnabbit, another memory loss……..this whole “getting old” thing is getting pretty old……gnome sane?