Hawai’i Free Press:
by Anthony Watts, WattsUpWithThat, April 25, 2019
Excerpts of the Business Insider article by Aylin Woodward
Hawaii’s iconic Waikiki Beach could be engulfed by the ocean in 20 years — here’s the plan to save it
In May 2017, high tides engulfed parts of the iconic Waikiki beach, edging dangerously close to waterfront hotels. This kind of high-tide flooding, often called a king tide or sunny-day flood, occurs when ocean water surges to higher levels than coastal infrastructure was designed to accommodate. In that case, water levels rose 2.5 feet above average in Waikiki, drowning nearby roads and sidewalks.
According to a 2017 report (which was updated in September 2018), Hawaii’s state capital and Waikiki Beach – along with other coastal strips on Hawaii’s five islands – are expected to experience frequent flooding within 15 to 20 years.
“This flooding will threaten $5 billion of taxable real estate; flood nearly 30 miles of roadway; and impact pedestrians, commercial and recreation activities, tourism, transportation, and infrastructure,” Shellie Habel, lead author of the 2017 study, said in a release.
Now, Hawaii state lawmakers are taking steps to shore up the state’s beaches and coastal cities. A new bill that mandates a statewide shore protection program has passed both houses of Hawaii’s state legislature, and will soon makes its way to the governor’s desk for approval.
But but Algorbama said…
In consideration of these apocryphal predictions, I will offer anyone who owns a beachfront home in Hawaii slightly below forced liquidation value to take it off their hands.
Have Stacey Abrams elected as beach protector and put her on the beach….I mean ALL the way around the beach, like a couch in a one room flat in NY….like a zit on Bill Mahers nose….like a funnel cake between Oprah’s thighs….like Joy Behar’s lipstick….
Ha ha ha! IDIOTS. They’ll be gone in 12 years.
A few trivia Qs & As:
Where is the tallest mountain in the world?
Hawaii (not the highest – tallest)
Smallest sovereign state?
The Vatican
My kids got to correct some ill-informed teachers from time to time. The Vatican one was the first when #1 asked if I knew Luxembourg was the smallest. ‘Nope. Here is the encyclopedia entry. Now you can tell her there is a smaller one’.
And he did. With trepidation, but his joy once she looked it up and corrected herself gave him confidence to speak up when they erred from then on.
Mauna Kea, 17,000 feet under water, 14,000 above. I used to live at the base. The above sea level base.
Guam hasn’t tipped over, so there’s that.
Mauna Kea will be forever known as Joy Behar’s lipstick holder….
Noodles and Nuts
Noodles and Nuts, man
Noodles and Nuts and Nuuanu
Noodles and Nuts and Nuuanu and Huts
. . .and Poi Pudding
Don’t worry, Crazie Mazie Hirono will save them – if she can get back to Hawaii on a train in time.
Aren’t those artificially made beaches? I thought they imported sand, which was placed atop the natural lava. It can be pretty damn hard to preserve the unnatural from natural forces, especially when it is essentially cosmetic and probably temporary to begin with.
Regardless of that, I see the potential for a major scam here. Land between the mean high tide water mark and the mean low tide water mark, or ‘submerged’ land, is owned by the ‘sovereign state.’ That could be either the state of Hawaii or the federal government. The public. My consideration is that if improvements are made to prevent the extent of future high tide levels, then the calculations for ownership and use of the land can, and will be influenced. I just wouldn’t want to see the public’s hard earned tax dollars used to exclude land from tidal influences, and then have ownership or exclusive use of that land claimed by a private enterprise, such as a hotel.
But I do think that is a factor in what is going on.
Sadly there seems to be a never-ending supply of ignoranus’ who fall for this shit that disingenuous democRATs and Climate Hucksters take advantage of! P.T. Barnum is kicking himself in the grave saying “I wuz born 150 years too soon!”
And if they did recede it’s only natural. The world’s shorelines have changed drastically thousands of times over millions of years.
That criminally lying ass Al Gore said NYC was
supposed to be under water by 2017.
These AGW con crooks are constantly pushing “The End”
down the road like all of those nutty California cult
leaders who gets their nuttier followers to give them
all their money so the Aliens would fly in and load
them on their UFO to “save them”.
Stacy adams can save the beach: just plant her fat ass in the breakwater and the beach will be saved.
Amalgamated Consolidators Incorporated Limited News Department-
Once again our award winning research department is closing in on determining yet again another scientific milestone. We are in the final stages of developing the technology required for final assessments. As of this historic date, our scientists have determined that the string, which holds the carrot to the stick, is between 10 and 12 years long. We will continue to refine our study and will hold future press conferences as may be appropriate.
joe6pak, I’m glad you explained the “above sea level base” part! *wink*
Dadof4, good for #1! You did a good job with him.
toby miles, I read some time ago about one of the beaches being black because of the sand being made up of lava rocks. A storm had washed away all the black sand and they were all “Waaaaa, our precious black sand beach! We lost a state treasure”. It wasn’t too much time before it was back. Earth isn’t the weak thing the environmental nazi’s claim it to be.