Now Mexicans Are Worried About Losing Their Jobs To The US – IOTW Report

Now Mexicans Are Worried About Losing Their Jobs To The US


News that Ford Motor Company is cancelling its plans to build a $1.6 billion car plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico has many Maquiladora workers scared that America will take jobs from Mexicans.

President-elect Donald Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs from places like Mexico, regularly using examples of U.S. companies who have moved overseas, or who had plans to outsource American jobs in the near future.

The prevailing perception in Mexico is that Trump is making good on his campaign promise to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States at the expense of Mexican workers, according to Christopher Sherman of the Associated Press.

“It was on orders of Mr. Trump,” says Higinio Salazar, a Mexican worker who planned on the factory for long-term work, told the Associated Press.

While Ford insisted that its decision to cancel its $1.6 billion Mexico plant was not part of a “special deal” with the president-elect, CEO Mark Fields told CNN that its decision to instead invest $700 million in new car productions in Michigan is a “vote of confidence” in the pro-business environment shaping under Trump’s leadership. read more

13 Comments on Now Mexicans Are Worried About Losing Their Jobs To The US

  1. Maybe someone in Mexico can get off their cartel wages and invent something there that changes how people get around and needs lots of people to make it. How about doing that instead of complaining about the U.S. taking back something that was in Mexico for too long, anyway.

    Just a suggestion.

  2. Contrary to what Mexico and the Democrats apparently believe, the American president does not represent Mexicans, and we do not owe them a living.

    Mexico is a shithole and it’s not our job to fix it. Is everyone in the world now helplessly dependent on the USA to be their daddy? Screw that!

    I’ve had enough of our needy, greedy, violent, whiny, baby-factory neighbors to the south and from the Middle East.

  3. @AbigailAdams – Good comment, especially the part about “the U.S. taking back” those jobs. I had already copied this bit of the Daily Caller text and amended it appropriately:

    News that Ford Motor Company is cancelling its plans to build a $1.6 billion car plant in San Luis Potosi, Mexico has many Maquiladora workers scared that America will take jobs from Mexicans recover jobs that went to Mexico as a result of the terribly one-sided nature of NAFTA.

  4. I believe it is time for a reverse invasion of Mexico by Americans. There is plenty of highly desirable land, oceanfront property, minerals, oil and the climate is also good! The past Mexican President is on the record as not favouring national borders so Mexican citizens should be highly welcoming of US Citizens desiring to take over their property, national identity, culture and government!

  5. Not too far from my home is a great huge economic hole left by GE when they moved a medium transformer plant to Mexico. Medium is a relative term. What they made was big by my reckoning. Those hulks of iron and copper that sit at the connection of a power plant to the grid, the ones at a major league stadium.

    That plant provided a lot of jobs and economic security to this no where burg. The politics made it attractive to ship it south. Those politics were RINO’s selling our country out for their own benefit.

    I can’t damn them enough for their actions.


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