Obama Weighs in On Book Bans – IOTW Report

Obama Weighs in On Book Bans


Former president says censorship of opposing viewpoints is ‘profoundly misguided.

Fighting back against efforts to ban books from schools and public libraries, the American Library Association has found a prominent supporter in former President Obama. In an open letter to the nation’s librarians, Obama denounces attempts to censor “some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others,” including from writers “like Mark Twain and Toni Morrison, Walt Whitman and James Baldwin,” per the Guardian


I thought when I started reading he meant that the books DeSantis “banned” shaped his life.

I actually think that is the case –

17 Comments on Obama Weighs in On Book Bans

  1. Every time hear that song by the Kinks, Lola, I think of this bitch. I just heard it on the way home, and then open this up. If I displayed this kind of crap at my work place, I’d be broke from paying fines and probably in jail. But it’s OK to show ten year olds. These people are evil.

  2. You tell me who cares what pig likn jerk like
    Borak ( Who Insane ) Whor’Bama
    thinks about ANYTHING

    EvenPresuming he is capable of rational thought

  3. this assclown knows that no one is banning books … typical marxist/progressive trick to repeat something until everyone believes it, ’cause most people are like sheep, but dumber.

    concerned people want age-related content in public school libraries, that’s all
    question: why are movies rated? …. same principle, ain’t it?

  4. We know you are a faggot Barry, groomed from childhood by your real father Frank the commie to service his pedophilic needs.

    You see Barry that’s what commies do. Now you are continuing the cycle by grooming the generations after you sick satanic shit.

    STFU you tedious bastard and go back to your tranny husband or nearest bathhouse.

    Americans are finally starting to understand Barry, we know your pedophilic game plan and that scares you to death.

    It will not end well for you Barry when you finally meet your Lord and maker, won’t you be surprised to realize he actually exists?


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