GP: During the Inaugural ceremonies on Monday, Joe Biden got a little handsy with First Lady Melania Trump. He can’t help it. He’s been groping women and children his entire adult life.

Old Joe reached over and grabbed Melania’s waste with hand and then moved over next to her body. Jill was standing right next to him. more here
Melania pick out that hat for a reason. It might have had razor sharp edges. If old Joe had gotten too close he would have been bleeding.
“Old Joe reached over and grabbed Melania’s waste”
Oops. Hoft should have written waist.
Nah. Pedo dont like ’em after puberty…
What a delusional, perverted prick. Go to hell, Joeker.
joe6pak- lol. That reminds me of the old kung fu shows I watched as a kid in Japan.
These dudes had hats with razors sewn into them, attached to retractable wires. They would throw the hats like a frisbee, slice the enemy, and they would come back to the owners’ hands. LOL.
She sure did. V for Vendetta. Check it out.
OH! I bet Barron said something like, “Never touch my mom again!” when he was leaving the inauguration and Biden immediately stopped grinning!
Wish I could upvote Claudia for her comment. Again.
She’s like 50 years too old for Paedo Joe.
Let it be noted for the record: Claudia has received x10 thumbs up from tctsunami. *Squeaks dog toy*
Melania should get a penicillin shot after Old Joe touched her.
Ewww! Poor Melania! That’s awful! He’s a barely walking corpse.
We can only content ourselves with the fact that Jill Biden will be a shut-in with him until he dies. I hope it takes a long, long time.
Father God, please forgive my uncharitable heart.