You Can’t Spell Caliphate without Capitulate (well, close enough)
What’s Australia gonna do after their Muslims have thrown down the gauntlet? “Requiring schoolchildren to sing the national anthem, and the citizenship pledge supporting democratic values, are a part of [Read More]
HuffPo Author Agrees: 90% of Whites Might be Racist
Writing for the Huffington Post, Zeba Blay lauded and quoted statements that compared white people to “rattlesnakes” and which said that 90% of white people could be racists. Blay posted [Read More]
Paglia on “Transgender-Mania”
In college I read a lot of Camille Paglia… voluntarily. Somewhere along the line I stopped reading her because she’s not exactly a conservative icon. It was a fear, that [Read More]
Crowder Skewers the GOP Presidential Poll Leaders
Crowder lashes out at Trump and Carson. The imitations are a bit too good —
Illegal Aliens Present Their Bill of Rights
Wash Times – “We know we have human rights, even though our very presence is deemed illegal and our existence alien. Now we have our own Bill of Rights and [Read More]
‘I saw my baby’s beating heart’ – Why the left hates mandated ultrasounds
ht/ bcagee The Extract – A number of state proposals have sought to mandate that all prospective abortion clients view an ultrasound before their unborn children may be legally slaughtered in [Read More]
Anonymous Releases Its “Real” List of KKK Members
400 names. No politicians. That’s some army. Awhile back I made the observation that if the KKK was so much a threat in this country, like Eric Holder and the [Read More]
Christie And Huckabee Kicked From Main Debate
LonelyConservative: Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee were informed tonight that they will be cut from the main event at the next Republican presidential primary debate hosted by Fox Business Network [Read More]
Tell Me Again How Nazi Germany Wasn’t a Planned Socialist Society
Subtitles of Hitler speeches reveal, in his own words, his socialist dream, a collective of people, sharing resources for the good of a collectivist society. ht/ finai
Dedicated To Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk – Playlist by Cato
This is a playlist that was compiled at a time when Cato was suffering a devastating family loss. This is dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Mxyzptlk.
Cops Volunteer To See If Your Car is Unlocked, If It Is They will Take Valuables To the Police Station
UPDATE: After just ONE DAY, Cops Back off We’re From The Government, We’re Here To Help You New Haven Connecticut police have introduced a new “service” for its citizens. They [Read More]
Going to Health in a Handbasket
Hope n’ Change: There’s no real commentary here today, owing to the fact that we’re still up to our eyeballs trying to find a replacement health insurance policy for the [Read More]
Progressive Shep Smith Argues With CIA Expert About Doctors Without Borders
You have to see the clip to appreciate just how insufferably libtarded and, frankly, dead wrong Shep Smith is about this issue. Shep argues that doctors have taken an oath [Read More]
You’re stupid for having sex on the first date
“Sex on the first date is stupid,” Dr. Ruth Westheimer tells The Post. “Forget it! That’s a no-no!”