Attention Leftist Snowflakes
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to a Young Progressive: How To Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You [Read More]
Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Letters to a Young Progressive: How To Avoid Wasting Your Life Protesting Things You [Read More]
People often ask, “Fur, why do you hate people?” The answer is in the video below. Yes, there are likable, worthy, decent people in the world, but I tend to [Read More]
I miss the old days when we could actually call our clients and tell them that they have a plethora of lower priced options to choose from a variety of carriers [Read More]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Harvard law professor Larry Lessig is ending his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Lessig blamed the demise of his nearly three-month campaign on the Democratic Party, [Read More]
CFP: Before Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) electrified conservatives with his denunciation of liberal media bias at the GOP presidential debate last week, he took a little-noticed position on a major [Read More]
The NYTs finds an evangelical reverend to carry its holy water. Dumb question here —-> (with painful video of the reverend trying to be intellectual.) The implication is that Christians are [Read More]
This is Josh Zepnick (WI-D). He’s a member of the Wisconsin state assembly and is currently running for a Milwaukee city Alderman post. His sister was killed by a drunk [Read More]
Marc Elias is the general counsel for Hillary’s presidential campaign and specializes in voting rights campaigns for Democrats. A lawsuit on behalf of Ohio Organizing Collaborative, challenging that state’s voter I.D. [Read More]
In a sane world, an endorsement from Bill De Blasio would be as welcome as a pile of feces on a subway platform… Get the story @Patriot Retort
( – Following an investigation by its inspector general, the Department of Energy has issued a new rule advising its workers to refrain from putting highly enriched uranium in their [Read More]
HT/ Petrus The only thing that could make this video less disturbing is for me to say that this was
That’s funny. I say the same thing about Paul Ryan.
See these dopes? This is David Deen and Mary Sullivan, representatives in Vermont. They are people who can simply decree that people in Vermont will pay nearly a dollar more for [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.